Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

WE thank the Al-Qabas newspaper for publishing the most important report of investigation carried out by the Egyptian State Security Prosecution on members of the Muslim Brotherhood cell (who were arrested in Kuwait and extradited to Egypt at the request of the latter).

These Brotherhood members were moving freely among us in Kuwait without a deterrent of morals, respect for their presence or law as foreigners in Kuwait (You foreigner! Be Polite!), because our security authorities are more concerned about those who break the fasting rules during Ramadan, for example.

The presence of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist cell in Kuwait was revealed to us by the Egyptian authorities and Kuwaiti authorities in response to the request of the Egyptian authorities shipped the ‘goods to the country of origin. (Your merchandise returned to you!).

A valuable report published by the Al-Qabas daily on Aug 7 shows the Muslim Brotherhood cell members lived comfortably among us and were planning to establish Brotherhood cells in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which means Kuwait not only hosted our Arab brothers and pampered our Kuwaiti Muslim ‘brothers’ but to some extent facilitated the entry of these ‘brothers’ into Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who rightfully consider the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

The investigation revealed thousands of Kuwaiti dinars – and I bet most of it was taken from the charity funds and Zakat collected by the Kuwait Brotherhood party and its illegal branches which have spread all over Kuwait – were sent to the ‘brothers’ of Egypt, including the so-called Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis, the terrorist organization operating in Sinai.

Many atrocities have been committed by the Egyptian ‘brothers’ with the support of their Kuwaiti ‘brothers’ and the closing of an eye to these atrocities by the Kuwaiti authorities was revealed by the serious investigation in Egypt and putting them behind bars in the Tora Egyptian prison, a maximum security prison for dangerous criminals.

We hope all these crimes committed by the Egyptian ‘brothers’ necessarily mean their mouthpieces and defenders in Kuwait keep their mouths shut, not out of love for them but for love and adherence to the social, political and financial benefits they have enjoyed just because they belong to the world Muslim Brotherhood movement and made Kuwait a source of finance for that dangerous movement.

It is enough that the accused members of this cell worked as a teacher, an accountant and in the field of medicine. Here we contemplate who sponsored these jobs which dozens of Kuwaiti youth and our stateless brothers dream of. The Kuwaiti ‘brothers’ occupy positions in all joints of the state because the state does not want to see them sad or angry and the reason is known only to those who make the wrong decisions.

In conclusion, we say to the ‘brothers’ of Kuwait and their sympathizers who purely on sectarian reasons – as they put it – say they represent the Sunni Islam. Please stop defending the ‘Brotherhood’ for invalid reasons. Be ashamed of yourself.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil