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Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

A student of Kuwait University, who participated in the university elections, wrote the below lines:

“I read many statements that criticized the annual elections held in Kuwait University. Even the Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr Bader Al-Issa issued a statement in which he almost criticized these elections. However, I also read few statements which hailed these elections”.

Frankly, these elections were very normal like any other elections. In fact, I believe they are somewhat better than the elections of the National Assembly, the Municipal Council and even of the cooperative societies’ boards of directors because they are held based on the system of lists. Students do not vote for a particular candidate but for a list, which means those votes go to all members of that list and not just one member. This helps in providing equal opportunities to all candidates.

The enthusiasm of the candidates and their voters particularly when promoting their electoral lists was evident. The violations committed during the elections were simple and ordinary. Therefore, the campaign of statements launched against the elections, which witnessed strong competition among various lists and unions of colleges, was unnecessary. It is actually an ordinary race compared to many elections including that of the cooperative societies.

We can only comment on the enthusiastic involvement of the students in the elections; which was more than their enthusiasm for their studies, but this can be attributed to their strong desire to win the elections.

Another fact that deserves to be highlighted is that the elections are organized at the beginning of the semester when the proper academic studies have not yet started particularly in colleges, as the first few weeks of the new semester are considered as warm-up for the new academic year.

I believe the reason for many lawmakers and the minister to issue the large number of statements regarding this matter is the huge success achieved by ‘Al-Itilafiya’ list because this list includes some candidates who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood Group. However, the head of that list does not belong to the Muslim Brotherhood Group. All this is merely a matter of elections and mutual interests.

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi