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THE Lebanese Parliament passed incentives to foreign ownership, which included granting every Arab or foreigner who owns a housing unit, starting from $500,000 in Beirut and $330,000 outside, permanent residence for him and his wife and children. Our friend the captain commented on the news, saying that he was surprised by the desire of some to buy an apartment in Lebanon in order to obtain permanent residence, while Cyprus, which is close to Lebanon, granted the same benefits for about half that amount.In Cyprus, there is a stable government and 24/7 electricity, water and paved roads, clean beaches, no garbage on its streets, no armed militia, no rival parties, or 18 sects. A property could be purchased in Greece and Spain for a higher amount, and Portugal would require less investment for permanent residence and subsequent citizenship. The captain says that these countries do not only covet the investor to spend a relatively small amount in the purchase of a property to give him permanent residence, but they are targeting other expenses and taxes in the future after granting the permanent residence. Therefore, it is advisable for those who wish to obtain permanent residence to resort to a country like Kuwait.By paying only $100,000, he may be able to buy the nationality of the state and then get dozens of benefits, which are priceless without harm to bear any tax or other burdens. With a little patience, and some of the deception, and with a lot of opportunities after citizenship, will get a house loans and cash grants for marriage, and the state will ensure the education of his children from kindergarten to doctorate, without having a penny. The medical treatment for him and his family will be free all for life, and by simple intervention will receive tourist trips under the umbrella of ‘treatment abroad’, and a government job will be just a telephone call away starting with a modest job until he reaches the post of undersecretary or a high military rank.He will also get a farmhouse or a livestock pen stretched over thousands of meters if only be borrows a few heads of cattle from a relative and then will be able to trade in subsidized fodder which he will receive from the state. It is also easy to get an industrial plot and the administrative system will be able to issue dozens of commercial licenses, which he can then sell or rent to others, and trade in human beings by bringing hundreds of workers by selling them visas and throwing them on the road to their fate and earning KD 1,000 a year from every worker. He can obtain tenders, collect commissions and sell his nationality in any election, be it the election of a cooperative society, a municipal council or tribal, sectarian, or parliamentary primaries.He can sell the government given house and claim another house under the law of ‘who sold his home’ and thus earn millions of dinars without the fear of monitoring, accountability or taxation. When he dies, after a long life, the state Municipality will bury him in the country’s cemetery, all for a hundred thousand dollars. Those who want to get a permanent residence in Lebanon, buy an apartment in Cyprus, or a chalet in Lisbon, and do not come to Kuwait, and mama government, which is resented by corruption are mistaken because this mama government will take care of everything from cradle to the grave. Therefore, we ask: Why Lebanon?e-mail: [email protected]By Ahmed Al-Sarraf