With astonishment and pleasure, Kuwaiti citizens watched His Highness the Prime Minister, and His Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Defense meeting the public in plain clothes without the usual pompous manifestations.

We said, “He who is humble to God will be exalted. If it had lasted for others, I would not have reached you”.

We wish that this spirit and humility would continue, because Kuwaiti citizens suffered, under the previous irrational governments, from trying to contact government agencies and ending their transactions in the usual ways.

However, the heroes of the deep state, who spread havoc in the previous years and filled their treasuries with millions, are unhappy with Kuwait’s new leaders who are clean in hand and reputation, and humble in behavior.

These heroes of the deep state built their glories on completing the citizens’ transactions, including housing, overseas treatment, and parachute jobs for their voters and their campaign  managers, their children and those dear to them. So what will be left of the work of the representatives of the deep state?

We saw them get zero marks deservedly in the field of legislation. Also, in the field of oversight, their role was shameful. We witnessed their childish behavior by taking up the seats of the ministers, fighting and shouting under the dome of the parliament - a behavior that we never witnessed during the past decades.

Therefore, we hope that those members (the boys of the deep state) will forever leave our public life and focus on their private lives. We hope they figure out how to produce the millions that they unjustly earned from our money, which we will not see. They should go and live in their new villas (after being used to living in government houses), and leave behind their cars, trips, and their extravagance at the expense of public money.

Therefore, we hope with all our hearts that our new government will continue to take care of His Highness the Amir and His Highness the Crown Prince (May God preserve them) for that new spirit through their new prime minister and ministers, who have left acting as “sheikhs” as we have been accustomed to since we opened our eyes to this world.

In addition to that, we want our new (real) sheikhs to inform the ordinary ministers to be humble when dealing with the people of Kuwait who will visit them sooner or later, and to dedicate one or more days per week to meeting them and solving their problems with employees who mistreated the people of Kuwait in the past decades.

In the end, we would like to reiterate to the ruling sheikhs, “Whoever humbles himself for God will be exalted.”

Email: [email protected]

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil