Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

THE troubles and violations of the Seaview Petroleum Corporation, led by its managing director and its subsidiaries, continue, to the extent of grave financial violations being committed, adding serious concerns to our other concerns, as corruption pervades our noses wherever we turn our faces.

However, corruption in this institution and its companies in terms of their violation of laws, rules and regulations is an extremely dangerous matter. It must be handled with the utmost seriousness by the parliamentary government that has been lost in our present days! The evidence is in the successive troubles that descend upon our heads every day from the guided government and lawmakers of the Gulf Street who are in a deep slumber. The most recent of these troubles is the by-elections that are criminalized by the election law (Article 45). They were conducted by some members of the tribes that we respect and revere, but many of the children of these tribes mess up their patriotism. Nevertheless, this is not our topic for today. We will inevitably return to it in the future to highlight the negligence of our interior minister and his failure in fulfilling his job duties solely because of his love and adherence to the ministerial position in that ministry, the reputation of which has been soaked in mud throughout his tenure until date!

Our topic is about the article titled “Suspicions of promotions in the oil sector persist!” written by our colleague Sa’ad Al-Shatti and graciously published on the front page of Al-Qabas newspaper on Sept 6. The corporation, under its leadership “Sleeping with Honey”, was prevented from providing a parliamentary investigation committee with the results of 12 preferences!

The article read, “According to respected oil sources, despite the many objections over the failure in implementing the recommendations of the Parliamentary Investigation Committee to deal with the violations of the petroleum corporation and its subsidiary companies in terms of promotions, appointments, and administrative and financial violations, some of which ended up in the referral of some senior officials in the oil sector to the Public Prosecution, the oil sector is still tweeting out of the flock and continues to follow the same path”.

We, who have some experience in the oil sector, can only strike one hand on the palm of this open and undeterred misdeed committed by the corporation and its subsidiary companies, even if this corporation does not have control of our economy and our underground money, represented by oil and gas.

We wouldn’t have paid attention or cared about who works or mismanages because what is done or not done is practiced by more than one government agency and institution that misbehaves or does not act. This is because protection against punishment is assured by the influential personalities who benefit from such appointments, as it is backed by a strong cover and wall from the influential people of the society including sheikhs, traders, and lawmakers. Such an institution that lives in the darkest situations of its life in its hands, as the Kuwaiti proverb says, “Our beard”, is misbehaving about it, because she sees and is aware that no one will hold her accountable for her constant mistakes. Therefore, those who feel safe from punishment indulge in bad etiquette.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil