THE Supreme Administrative Court – the highest administrative court in Egypt – has banned the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates from the universities.

The court annulled the decision issued during the dark ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ era to impose self-reports for the payment of university allowance. The ousted president – Mohamed Morsi – decided to grant the allowance to faculty members in universities on the condition that they prove their identity and affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The court declared this decision is illegal and affects the principle of university independence, because all faculty members are entitled to the allowance without any restriction or condition.  The allowance is not a grant from the Brotherhood or others.

Aside from this decision, he also created an illegal tool that humiliated university professors in the eyes of the people.  Professors should not be coerced to join a certain political faction, as such factions have no authority over them; since they act based on their scientific conscience.

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz – an American senator who is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee – introduced a bill to the US Congress to classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.

Senator Cruz said: “The bill urges the US State Department to use its legal authority to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a ‘foreign terrorist’ organization.” The bill was co-sponsored by 13 members of the Senate and Congress.

We dedicate these two pieces of news from the brotherly countries to our rational governments that have been hibernating in the face of the Brotherhood and the danger it poses to our society.

This dangerous group wanders in our societies, which is evident by just one look at the headquarters of our Brotherhood.  It is expanding by building skyscrapers in our residential areas, offset by the closure of the headquarters of the liberal group years ago.  The liberal group allocated their headquarters to the people with special needs (disabled).

Our rational governments have taken many measures while turning a blind eye to the millions collected under the pretext of helping the needy in order to plunge them into absurd civil wars such as the civil wars in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

From this platform, we cry out with all our strength for our present government to wake up from its deep slumber; because we have washed our hands from our legislators and our supervisory bodies as they do not want to upset this dangerous group.  Some of the group’s members hold sensitive positions in rational entities in which absurd government decisions are issued.

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By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil