
I have written articles about you several times, and its contents used to pass smoothly through the editorial eyes. The writings bore two sides, – the clear side which explained literary synonymies, and the other side which was radiant to the eyes, but only you can read it.
Everyone reads the first side and gets lost in the trail of words, but you were the only one who understood and perceived its letters and words by criticizing you, praising you, flirting with you and satirizing you. Despite all that, you were comfortable with the other side. Was I fair to you?
I would smile when making comparison of sentence and style, of question and answer, and of light and darkness. People were on a valley, but you were on a valley of your own. The only stanza that dominated in the concept is, “It is my unacceptable excuse. I targeted you and the words went very far”, but with a single indication that, even if no one else read apart from you, do you remember the spelling mistake which eluded the proofreader? Did you remember the sentences which adorned itself with ambiguity within the article whereas the proofreader was lost?
I believe you are laughing when you read these words. It makes me wonder if you remember the articles that were awash with art and its basics while being completely contradictory. Even that was elusive as usual.
I address you and I do not know whether your busy schedule will allow you to read while you are under the soil. I have heard and read a lot about the dead, and given that you are one of them, I wonder if you will get time to read these words.
When we were both on this earth, smiles were the slogan of our talks and meetings. When I asked to meet you next week, you surprised me in the sense by saying, “Tomorrow, if all is well, we’ll meet under difference circumstances, different timings and unknown destiny”, and I then said confidently, “Tomorrow is the last day”.
Do you remember when I asked you if you will read the article; do you remember when I asked if people in the grave read?
I don’t know any of that, but for us who are still on this earth, we continue to pray for them for mercy and forgiveness of their shortcomings. We are certain that the past will not return, and the only thing in hand is the present, given that the future remains unknown.
I will assume that you will read these words after they reach you, and I wouldn’t know if your reaction will be the same as the one you showed when you were on this side of life, or things change once you go under.
I cannot stop wondering if I was fair to you or not.
Twitter - @alzmi1969
By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi
“We are all heading towards death, I mean the worst death. There is nothing worse than death apart from death which you experience while you are still alive” – Egyptian writer and 1988 Nobel Prize Winner for Literature Naguib Mahfouz (1911-2006).