Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

THE shocking statements issued by Al-Islah Social Society – Muslim Brotherhood Group in Kuwait, and the comments made by ‘multi-millionaire’ activists among their academics and intellectuals depict their nature wherever they are.

This group and its activists received graces from well-guided governments when they were everything in terms of the group’s policies, or when the governments wanted to appease them in order to silence the group’s faction. However, their dominance and interests are all that matter when it comes to principles.

To put their case into perspective, here is one of their spokespersons representing the Brotherhood’s evil acts. He is the bestselling Egyptian novelist Alaa al-Aswany whose latest book, “How Do We Make the Dictator?” is subtitled, “What to Expect from the Brotherhood and Salafists.”

In his book, Al-Aswany acknowledges that he learned a lot about modern Egypt’s history from the books of Egyptian historian and judge, Tarek El-Bishry, although he is affiliated to the Islamic political faction.

Al-Aswany also mentioned his conviction about Tarek El-Bishry’s awareness of the fact that whenever a revolution succeeds, the revolutionists come up with a new Constitution which serves their interests. He said El-Bishry was fully aware of this fact.

“Nevertheless, the fact that El-Bishry agreed to join and head the Egyptian Constitutional Review Committee to carry out limited amendments to the Constitution surprised many, given that he should have insisted on enacting a new Constitution,” Al-Aswany pointed out.

This happened after the toppling of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak as a result of populist protests.

Eventually, Egypt’s military council held a public poll on the amendments made by El-Bishry, and then turned against the result of the poll to announce a temporary Constitution consisting of 63 articles without seeking public opinion.

Nonetheless, the outcome of this cooperation between the military council and El-Bishry is depriving Egyptians of the opportunity to have a new Constitution which would have led Egypt towards the proper path, instead of the dark tunnels where Egypt is now in because of the ‘El-Bishry committee’.

Al-Aswany explained the Egyptians were deprived of the new Constitution because El-Bishry attempted, through his committee, to ensure that the Muslim Brotherhood Group, which he belongs to, has the upper hand in the Constitution; considering there was a need for a coalition between the group and the military council. Giving the group the upper hand will serve its interests, as he is convinced that such interests are the interests of Egypt.

We want to tell our great colleague Alaa El-Bishry: The local Muslim Brotherhood Group whom we have been tempted with due to your literatures have been using and continues to use the same tactics.

The only thing that happened was other local major factions stood against the law on the one vote per person. The group supported the law and prominent former MP Musallam Al-Barrak who was sentenced to prison for storming the Parliament building.

We heard nothing from this group (Brotherhood) in terms of protesting in favor of Al-Barrak, while their prominent representatives in their massive society and the activists among them lamented about the Constitutional Court’s ruling which deserves honor and respect.

The ruling affirmed that the parliamentary seat should not be occupied by anyone who was convicted – a final criminal verdict. This means the representatives of this criminal group in our Parliament must exit together with their kind.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil