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AT the opening session of the current Legislative Term, HH the Amir explicitly told the Executive and the Legislative authorities that the ball is now in their court in terms of constitutional mandates. The two authorities are expected to execute their duties without blackmail or playing to the tune of their supporters to achieve personal and electoral gains at the expense of the nation by undermining the Constitution. This is to ensure that their performance goes is line with what HH the Amir has ascertained about “being keen to preserve and protect our democratic system, in addition to shielding it from all transgressions so that it does not become a tool of destruction to undermine the pillars of the nation”.This clear and decisive message is followed by another, which is crystal clear. He said, “Those who are given the authority to protect the Constitution and uphold laws must not violate them. It is for the legislators and executors of legislation to be best models in terms of respect and obedience.” On this basis, we can say that everyone today is more responsible than before- in terms of prevalence of rationality and national interest- due to the fact that any slackness in this respect may lead to undesirable consequences amid the regional situation, which HH the Amir described as “unusual, and could be most dangerous for our present and our future.”Therefore, no bickering among the MPs should be tolerated, especially on issues that hamper the Legislative work through malicious interpellations, which are anchored in personal interests that reflect shortsightedness and lack of awareness at the national level.Today, there is no escape from government bearing its responsibilities. The latter is expected to work seriously on completing its fight against corruption in the public institutions or the National Assembly, which is also supposed to complete its course of economic reform legislation. In addition, the parliament is expected to enhance the protection of freedom of opinion and expression by remedying the negative aspects of social communication platforms to prevent transgression on peoples’ honor and malicious allegations that bear no evidence-amid frivolous schemes that weaken the national immunity.All these should be taken into account, especially after the recent developments witnessed in the region, which those individuals with weak national loyalty exploited to instigate sectarian and tribal conflicts. His Highness in his speech shed light on carefully guarded principles that require each person to work in accordance with the stipulations of law and the constitution.This notion contradicts the usual, especially after HH the Amir reminded the parliamentarians about discussions that happened during the Constituent Assembly which proposed a way out of issues and slackness and lack of commitment to what was endorsed at that time; hence, it is necessary to inform on the importance of returning to the constitution, which is the protective cover of democracy.In the past, many understood that indecisiveness was due to weakness of the State tools and thought they could influence the situation, but in reality, it was another opportunity to repent and return to the right national course.Extensive obscuring, aggravation and portrayal of the parliamentary exercise as “imposing conditions and weakening the Executive Authority and governance” brought about this decisive directive from the Head of State.Kuwait will suffer the loss of disabling constitutional establishments at the end of the road, and for this reason, HH the Amir said “I will never allow the blessing of democracy in whose shade we are enjoying to transform to a curse that will threaten stability of our country and destroy our nation and hamper its development.”Every person needs to understand the concept of this message with full clarity to avoid miscalculation due to the fact that any misstep in this respect could have serious consequences.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times