
Studies conducted by the United States University of Missouri and other experiments conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have come to the conclusion that it is better to hold urgent and important meetings while standing, the result will often be the same if the participants chose to sit at the table, for example, but holding meetings standing usually saves more than 30% of the time, but is time important in our lives? I doubt it.
* The researchers advised the people of a residential area to agree to place large boards in their gardens to warn reckless drivers. Everyone rejected the idea. The researchers then went to another residential area and told the people similar boards in their gardens but smaller ones.
Almost everyone accepted the idea. After a while they called the same group of people and asked them to replace the small boards with large ones, two-thirds accepted the idea without hesitation.
This is what the psychologists call the theory of putting the foot on the door, that is, to open a small gap so that we can expand it. If we want others to listen to us, we have to make our requests simple and acceptable before asking them for more or more difficult things.
* Researchers from the Harvard University studied the results of a request from a pedestrian and when it was raining requested to borrow his phone to make an urgent call. The researchers found only 9% responded to the request. But when they apologized for the bad weather, before asking to borrow the phone, the acceptance rate rose to 47%, and the reason that apologizing to others for something out of their will make them tend to be more trustworthy.
So, psychologists say that when we apologize to others for things beyond our control, such as apologizing for weather or traffic congestion, this makes us trustworthy in their eyes, but do these things work in our societies? Maybe.
* A scientist drew a blue circle and then white circles around it twice its size. Opposite to it, he drew another blue circle and around it white circles but much smaller than the first and asked: Which of the two blue circles is bigger?
At first glance, it appears that the blue circle that has small white circles around it looked bigger than the other, but after removing all the white circles around the two blue circles, they looked equal in size.
In other words, if we put the same amount of food in two plates, one small and the other big, the food in the larger plate will appear much less than the food in the other plate although the two quantities are equal.
This means, scientifically and psychologically, if we wanted to eat less food, and reduce our weight, we should not replace food dishes with smaller ones – especially in our countries.
* Other researchers have concluded that our general appearance or what we wear affects the actions of others. If, for example, a pedestrian crosses the street at the wrong time and place, almost no one would follow suit if his clothes were simple or shabby.
But if someone who looks stylish and respectable does the same, a majority will follow suit and make the same mistake, so we have to wear our best if we want to influence others. But how important are these things to us?
e-mail: habibi.enta1@gmail .com
By Ahmad Al-Sarraf