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I and some of my colleagues on the board of directors of a society had the honor, a relatively long time ago, to meet His Highness the Crown Prince, Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad.

I came out of the meeting with happy and optimistic feelings, especially with regard to the activities of the society and the leadership’s appreciation of our efforts, as a supporter of the state’s efforts in economic, financial, social and cultural issues.

It will not be long and His Highness will implement his broad ideas regarding the affairs and concerns of the state. During a relatively short period, things have changed and positive developments are evident and crystal clear, which are enormous in the scale of time, and they have gained more importance due to the delay in their solution for years, and their illogical accumulation despite the simplicity of many solutions.

In a short period, building violations were completely stopped, many of them were removed, and storage violations in the basements were significantly reduced, and there was a long-awaited positive development by increasing the participation of women in senior state positions.

We have also seen administrative leaders with ‘almost suspicious’ biographies, are referred to retirement or asked to resign, without noise or delay.

The government has also begun, with clear acceleration, to appoint competencies with proven integrity and experience in the most sensitive and most influential positions in the life of the citizen.

We saw a clear and mostly positive move in solving citizens’ problems, and seriousness in dealing with the corruption files that have long worried us as citizens and observers.

We were all pleased with the decision to vote with the civil ID, and those who were worried about the decision are the ones most affected by it are people of tribal and sectarian leaning tendencies.

We were also pleased with the firmness shown by the security authorities towards the tribal elections and others, and the prohibition of state officials from meeting the candidates for the elections. All this makes us hope that the remaining outstanding issues that concern large sectors of the people will be quickly resolved.

Then came the decision of His Highness the Prime Minister to open the files of forged certificates, the long-awaited for those loyal to him, led by members of the Education Quality Association, and our colleague Badr Al-Bahr and his brothers with whom we humbly participated in the campaign against the holders of dubious certificates, and revealed the officials behind them, corrupt former MPs, and parties claiming to call for the reform of society while they are far from virtue and morals, whether with their ideas or members.

They are the bodies that never issued a letter against forged certificates, nor those who carry them. Personally, it cost me large sums of money because of my position against one of these forgers, as I warned the Education Quality Association of the authenticity of his certificates, yet his appointment was renewed, after he was forced to delete the title PhD from his name, just to throw ashes in the eyes, and this happened in a ministry that does not care about anything but religious affairs.

We also join our colleague Badr Al-Bahr, calling for the speedy issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 78/2019 regarding the prohibition of the use of non-equivalent academic degrees, which will put an end to great educational and administrative corruption, which cost the state hundreds of millions in the form of undeserved salaries, in addition to corrupting the minds of tens of thousands of students.

Thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince.

And thanks to His Highness the Prime Minister for continuing his reforms.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmed alsarraf