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The number of Kuwaitis is one and a half million, and if any of them was given the opportunity to become a Minister of Health in these circumstances, they would not have refused the position, and you will then hear from each of them a plan, philosophy, policy and method different from the other to manage the current crisis.

I am not a fan of the Minister of Health, and I think that he failed in some things, and succeeded in others.

The position of the Minister of Health is not easy, and his hesitation is due to the large number of his enemies and their ferocity, and this has caused him to make mistakes and confusion in issuing decisions, withdrawing them and reinforcing them again all within hours, perhaps under external pressure and this makes his position uneasy.

Supporters of ‘curfew’ do not agree with him. Supporters of return to normalcy do not agree with him. School and university owners do not welcome his decisions. The Council of Ministers is confused about him, and cannot decide what to do whether to accept him or reject him, but rejecting him has become rather more difficult.

The National Assembly is divided between a deputy who is satisfied, another who rejects, a third who is a loser, and a fourth winner. Neither this minister nor any minister of health who comes will be able to satisfy everyone in these circumstances, or to devise an unparalleled plan in which there is healing, medicine, happiness, acceptance and contentment.

Forgiveness, leniency and chaos will unleash the Corona monster to destroy us all. The curfews and lockdowns which continues to rule the roost for the second year will suffocate and kill us softly and slowly of thirst while springs of water are abundant around us.

I do not claim to have a perfect solution, and even something close to it, but I tend to keep the minister in his place for the next six months, at least, with a focus on the following four matters -- the application of the law on everyone with no exception and the imposition of fines immediately on every violator. The mood in the application of the law was the cause and disease in the government administration.

The next is to think deeply before issuing any decision, adhering to it afterwards, and not subjecting it to the desires of this or that party, or changing it after hours; thinking seriously about preventing those who refuse to take the vaccination from entering cooperative societies, supermarkets, restaurants, cafés and shopping malls, or using public transportation, or traveling.

And finally expediting, at any cost import of vaccines and to vaccinate the largest possible number of people, citizens and expatriates and opening of a large number of centers and hospitals as the current numbers are a stain of shame that cannot be erased from the brow of the achievements of the Ministry of Health and the disruption of giving vaccines during the Isra and Mi’raj holiday was a health, administrative and moral disaster that no one could absorb or understand.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf