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It was published by the Al-Qabas daily on (Dec 26, 2022) that the government is working (after a delay that lasted for more than half a century) to enumerate all the lands owned by it including the residential, investment, craft, industrial and storage warehouses sectors, in addition to lands related to educational services, in order to develop a program to allocate the available ones to the housing projects included in the government plan.


In order to achieve all this, the Council of Ministers, in a very late step, addressed all government agencies to provide it with a list showing all the real estate and lands that fall under its control (is it not strange?). It is unfortunate, painful, and sad to read that the government of the State of Kuwait, with all its apparatuses and army of employees, does not know the full extent of the property that falls under its control, whether in terms of number, location, or use, as if the size of our country is like the size of China or India, but nevertheless it is possible to understand this situation.

In general, in light of the administrative backwardness that we live in, but some sectors of the state when they talk about their achievements in the world of mechanization and administrative development, and the transition to the completion of paperless transactions, such as the Public Authority for Industry, and the State Property Administration, which is managed by an undersecretary, managers and observers, and with them hundreds of employees, for sixty years, and their main job originally was to make inventory and know the state’s property.

Likewise, the PAI, which is a relatively new and electronically advanced body, or so it is assumed, which was founded almost thirty years ago, and has hundreds of employees, it was stated in a secret report of the Audit Bureau that this body “does not know” the size or number of other industrial and service plots of land that fall under its authority.

Isn’t this an administrative catastrophe that will pass and others without being mentioned to any senior official? How can we believe that arm less government departments spend hundreds of millions of dinars on their employees, in the form of salaries and privileges, and the modern equipment and giant computers that have been placed at their disposal and yet they do not know the number of “plots of land” that they lease to others? So how was the authority so confidently preparing and concluding rental contracts, annually? We tend to ask if they were correct, and if there was no manipulation.

And how did the authority collect rental fees, if it did not know exactly what property falls under its authority? This is an administrative disaster, there is evidence of its authenticity from the Cabinet’s correspondence, and from the reports of the Audit Bureau in the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly, and the disaster will often pass without accountability or punishment, like others. “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at the high officials of the government!”

By Ahmad alsarraf
e-mail: [email protected]