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WE all must admit that Kuwait is currently suffering from a dilemma. It is the reluctance of the individuals who were consulted to be part of the government, making it seem as though the environment of the government has become repulsive.

In majority of countries that are similar to Kuwait, the minister remains in his position for four years, and accomplishes what he sees in the interest of the country without fearing any deal made against him between an MP or a parliamentary bloc that could lead him to leave the government.

Therefore, it is not surprising that 40 governments were formed in a span of 60 years - the age of this independent state. It should have established its political traditions in the executive and legislative authorities by now, especially since the country does not suffer from any major crises like in countries that did not witness ministerial stability due to partisan conflicts.

This fact makes Kuwait a country of wonders in everything. At a time when it should have continued its renaissance and the development of its democracy, we see it regressing from time to time either because of personal accounts that dominate the political behavior of MPs and ministers, or the government’s inability to implement its programs because it is drowning in side conflicts with the MPs, or because of the prime minister’s weakness in the administration.

Undoubtedly, this kind of environment would make a minister feel that his tenure in office will not exceed six months, because the government will abandon him at the first confrontation with the National Assembly. Therefore he does not perform what is required of him to the fullest extent, but instead leaves the files to his successor, which end up getting accumulated and thus increasing the decline of development.

Hence, all the information being filtered about the consultations conducted by His Highness the Prime Minister-designate confirm that the majority of those he met had turned down the offer of being appointed as a minister. Some of them did not have clarity on the plan that His Highness the Prime Minister was working on, because his greatest concern is related to passing the public debt law, as if it is the only way to salvage Kuwait from its crises.

There is no doubt that the past three governments formed by His Highness the Prime Minister made him realize the deficiencies, and become aware of how to deal with the National Assembly, which is expected to be more ferocious in the next session than it was before, especially since some parliamentarians achieved their goal and imposed their conditions on the previous government, which evaded the confrontation and ended up surrendering.

Nonetheless, His Highness the Prime Minister’s bet on the possibility of passing laws that did not pass in the previous session is not in place. He will not be immune, especially since there are MPs who have already started threatening to grill him.

Because of all this, most Kuwaitis consider the departure of Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled from the premiership of the government as a necessity, given that the one who fails in three governments is assumed to not succeed in the fourth, which makes it imperative for him to step down and open the door for others before dragging the country into a new crisis.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times