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From time to time the government is forced to intervene and dissolve the board of directors of cooperative societies and appoint a temporary ‘board’ in its place or transfer all or some of the members of the previous board to the Prosecution, or refer all or some of those who were appointed to the Prosecution (in some cases) because of corruption.
Such corruption has become a prominent feature, especially after Brotherhood and Shiite political forces took control of the boards of some cooperative societies, in addition to the control of other parties who believe in the continuous change in governments, thus following a policy of looting whenever you can.

The idea of establishing cooperative societies was a pioneering and wonderful idea at the time, but like others it was subjected to sabotage, and the theft became an “art” for those who promote it, so that the management of the Society changes, or it is referred to the judiciary but those who steal remain where they are.
Despite repeated referrals to the Public Prosecution Office, we rarely hear of a ruling issued against those who were referred, and one of them was the head of a cooperative, taking protection of his brother who was then a member of the National Assembly.

The inspectors found a list of 21 employees in the Shareholder Department, when only three are required and when the attendance list was requested, it was found that they did not use the fingerprint system.
In another Society, the board of directors had registered a female employee since 2019 with a request not to issue her a fingerprint as she receives a monthly sum of 250 dinars in addition to labor support money without reporting for work.
It was also found that there are 20 employees in the Public Relations Department in one of the Societies although there was no need for them.

The inspectors also indicated in their reports that money of the shareholders in one society was wasted through fictitious appointments and manipulation in manpower files, where citizens of Gulf countries were appointed and did not keep their attendance record.
There is no doubt that the Ministry of Social Affairs is making an effort to monitor cooperative societies, but its capabilities are limited and it is assumed that it deals with cooperatives managed by people elected from by the people of the region, and not a group of corrupt thieves, with respect to the honorable people on the boards of directors of many cooperative societies.

What is happening in cooperative societies is something that should not be tolerated, and it is better to think of a solution to the situation such as selling the assets to the people of the residential area, after converting it into a joint-stock company, and considering the cooperative’s lands and buildings as a gift from the state, while the state continues to monitor the selling prices to protect consumers.

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By Ahmad alsarraf