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The carrier pigeon is considered the master of pigeons and the most valuable of its species. It has had a historical role. For centuries, it has been the fastest means of delivering messages due to its ability to travel vast distances and return to its homeland.

It has also performed great services in wars, transmitting battle news, codes, and instructions, the last of which was in World War II, when the British used its abilities to repel the attack of German forces.

“Homing pigeons,” and this is their correct name, are still of interest to meteorologists to benefit from their ability to save expenses required by modern devices, such as satellites, radars, aircraft, and infrared detectors, as a single homing pigeon, with its unique navigational device, can guide with its senses which does not go wrong with much of what you are looking for, while saving a lot of expenses that are allocated to the operation of these devices.

A friend of mine, who lives abroad, asked me to send him one of my books, so I paid the parcel transport company. Requests increased, and with them the costs. The most recent was from a reader living in Sweden. It turned out that the fee costs approximately $60, or the equivalent of ten times the price of the book itself.

I thought about using the government’s courier service, so I consulted the Ministry of Communication website and found the following administrative structure, for the postal sector only:

Assistant Undersecretary, Director of the Department of International Postal Relations, Director of the Postal Inspection Department, Director of the First Miscellaneous Postal Services Department, Director of the Second Miscellaneous Postal Services Department, Director of the Third Miscellaneous Postal Services Department, Director of the Postal Operations Department, in addition to assistant directors, their office directors, and department heads observers, and an army of employees, most of whom are completely unemployed.

I also found that each “ma’asoul” had three landline numbers, including a fax, so I wrote down 42 of them, and asked my assistant to call each number, and to transfer any call that was answered. After half an hour of repeated calls, no one answered, and that was after nine in the morning yesterday (Monday).

The representative went to the Khaitan Post Office and found it empty except for two employees. One of them informed him that there was no service for sending letters to Sweden. He handed him a “historical and global document,” belonging to the era of artificial intelligence, in which the names of the countries with which Kuwait had a postal parcel service were mentioned, in poor print and poor handwriting. There are 22 countries and cities, subject to decrease.

This happens 275 years after the first known letters were sent from them, and 75 years after the opening of the General Post Office, so how have we declined to such a low level, or rather to near collapse?

I have the “historical document” that the Khaitan Post Office employee delivered to our representative, which includes a map of Kuwait Postal services, which employs no less than two thousand employees!

Oh our dear Sheikh Mohammad, the legacy is much heavier than I imagined, and we hope that you will strengthen it and destroy these ruined regimes.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf