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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE failed military coup has opened the floodgate for multitude of questions on the internal and external policies of the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Contrary to what Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said that the page has been closed; its effects, even after the prevalence of normalcy, are not over internally and externally.

Erdogan, who leaned on the shoulders of citizens as they stood by him to regain power on the night of the coup, is the same person that wanted the return of the fake and usurious government in Egypt. He is a member of the Brotherhood Movement. He takes suspicious position over the war being waged fiercely by GCC countries against the Brotherhood and terrorist groups.

At the same time, he is striving hard to form a strong alliance with those countries with the intention of increasing their investments in his country. The policy of holding the cane in the middle has led to serious division in the Turkish society; especially after suffering immensely from terrorist attacks executed by DAESH, Hezbollah and other extremist groups.

People paid the price with their blood due to failure of the government to take a decisive step concerning closure of border against terrorists who continue to enter Iraq and Syria while they constitute serious danger in the region and the world in general.

It is almost certain that a new era has started in Turkey because the alarm is blowing very loudly. The current government will be forced to select from its options and review the movement within the problematic mines in the region.

This is coming several years after the implementation of the ‘Zero Problem’ method, weighing development and economic cooperation with countries of the region and opening channels of communication with majority of countries in the world. It even transformed into a model for Third World countries, but all these were messed up within the past five years.

In the last two weeks, there were couprelated situations in the Turkish policy. The same person who declared Russia as a foe and beat the drum of attack against the latter after downing its airplane suddenly turned back to apologize in order to close the face-off chapter. He went back from absolute rupture of relations with Israel to sudden reconciliation.

With regard to Iraq and Syria, the language seems to be demanding, calling for forgetting the past when the newlyappointed Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım declared the intention of his country to open a new page with neighbors destroyed by terrorist groups.

Terrorist groups would not have been widespread in those countries if the government of Erdogan did not grant them human and logistic support. It was as if there was a way to get over the sin when the Justice and Development Party discovered that it could not balance between infl amed contradictions and distancing the country from the fl ame of war raging along its border. It is true that the coup attempt failed because a group of the army tried to put Turkey back to the era of coups but the people confronted it and rallied around the big national military front.

The people foiled the coup attempt and rescued democracy. However, the picture that the Turkish president finds himself in through the people’s help to rescue his government is different from what happened in Egypt which Ankara declares an enemy today. On June 30, 2013 in Cairo, about 40 million persons converged at squares and fields to reclaim the authority from the Brotherhood who usurped it by rigging the elections and through American, British, French and Israeli pressure. That day, the army succumbed to the people’s will and protected the revolution.

It did not stage coup d’état against the rule which eventually collapsed quickly. After that, elections were conducted whereby the Egyptian people, through their free will, voted for President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. President Erdogan, who got assistance through the Turkish people’s will to rescue his government, is the same person standing against the will of Egyptians. This is a paradox which will certainly leave a deep significant mark on Ankara’s politics in the coming phase. Without a doubt, Turkey is one of the important cornerstones in the region; and it has political, economic and military weight. Imposing people’s will is appreciated in all GCC States.

At the same time, it is necessary for this lesson to change the equations especially with regards to unifying foreign policy measures and interests with the entire Arab world; specifically with Egypt which is a pillar of the tent of stability, security and peace in the region.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab TimesEmail: [email protected]