Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

The human personality is a complete, integrated world–a combination of physical, mental, moral and healthy features that depend on principles, which start to formulate randomly at an early stage of life and then complete the formation by acquiring from the surrounding environment.

There are those who refer such formation as instinct, but in reality, there are no instincts apart from laughter, content, anger, joy and sorrow – perhaps, birth and death are outcomes of instinct.

Here, my focus is on reactions and emotions. Apart from instincts, all that remain are things which are granted. There are some who are born as prince, and some others born as wealthy merchants while some others are born in abject poverty and in refugee camps.

There is no doubt that genes have an effect on human life – this is what is known as “instinct” in accordance to my humble opinion. Apart from that, it is difficult to determine.

An article on the effect of genes was published sometime back by the British “Daily Telegraph” newspaper. One of the things that was mentioned was the discovery of scientists about the level of effect that the environmental factor has in determining every feature, compared to the effect that the DNA has. This level differs by huge margin from one place to another.

Every human being has the key to his or her personality. There are also closed doors, the keys to which are hung on top of these doors, and can only be reached by the lucky ones – the tall ones. However, no one can enter the closed door of another person even if such a person has the keys in his hand, because the peculiarity of each door determines the ability of those keys to open or not.

There are some supporting moral traits that come in handy when accessing doors that are closed, as well as those which are open for a specific reason or objective.

Don’t tire yourself in a bid to access these closed doors – perhaps, such doors are not meant to be opened for you, and when they open, they do so with difficulty. Doors come in different sizes, shapes and even quality and costs. This means, being able to access a certain door is not a given chance for anyone who attempts to access it.

We all have long doors and each door has its own key, although there are other doors that are opened for all. At the same time, you find that door that is closed to all and the only people who can access it are the ones with a special key to such a door.

Again, don’t tire yourself by shopping for keys to open doors; some doors cannot be qualified by monetary value, and some others cannot be bought irrespective of the money paid for it.

This door is the soul – its value is priceless, but it can end up being opened with a random smile. There is an old adage which says – Soft words defeat a clear truth. I hope you understand what that means.

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“...And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it, and inspired it with knowledge of evil and piety...” – Quran 91:7-8.

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi