THE return of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad to the government is not just a formal action, but an indication of changing the approach or attitude.

Sattam Al Jarallah

Thus, the return of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense is very significant, because of his special political and popular presence in Kuwait and the Gulf; in addition to the global relations he developed through the international sports positions he occupied. He is known for being close to the people, and his capability to overcome difficulties and challenges until he wins. He relies on two foundations — his special relations with the people and his heritage as the son of a martyr, Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad.

He also occupies a dominant position in the Sabah Family. He is always aware of the responsibility he holds in conveying the message of the young generation not only in the family, but in Kuwait as a whole.

History recorded important situations throughout his career, which manifest his high spirit as Minister of Information or as Minister of Health. He showed his humanitarian attitude, believing that humanitarian criteria do not discriminate among people and humanitarian attitude shows how someone is raised and it is part of his personal morals.

He believes that occupying positions is a way to serve the citizens and achieve the nation’s goals — development and advancement. Undoubtedly, there is much to mention about Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad.

However, much is not mentioned as well; because ‘action speaks louder than words’. It is expected that Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad will not change the course he has adopted for decades. He is expected to implement a major reform at the Ministry of Defense — the main protector of Kuwait. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad is known for working hard silently, making his achievements talk.

His return to the political scene was highly anticipated; because people like him cannot be ignored, especially in such a critical period. He is known for setting aside personal disputes, believing that the nation he represents is on top of everything. He does his best to finalize agreements in the interest of Kuwait, without paying a high price, whether in the country or overseas.

He is the best soldier and an effective negotiator. His sportsmanship makes him fl exible in dealing with changing positions, far from hatred or enmity. He inherited courageous genes from his late father — the martyr Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad. He is the epitome of Abu Al-Tayyeb Al-Mutanabi’s poetic verse: “When spirits are strong and willing, it would be hard for the bodies to have their desires fulfilled.” [email protected]