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ALMIGHTY Allah says in the Quran - “Whoever acts righteously does so for his own good, and whoever commits evil does so against his soul. And your Lord is never unjust to His servants.”

When we today look at the situation of Kuwait nearly 50 years ago, we would find that the aforementioned verse applies to many of those who did wrong to themselves and their families before doing wrong to the state and the people. They thus deserve to be told - “... And your Lord is never unjust to His servants”, given that their end will be miserable. This is due to the fact that they took advantage and abused their positions and powers to help the wrong people, and usurp what was not theirs.

In many state institutions, an employee considers himself as influential, as no one holds him accountable. He builds a network of relationships with corrupt people like himself in order to cover himself and protect his buddies. That is why corruption increased after the country was liberated from occupation, as these people had no faith either in their homeland or in their Lord, who gives respite and does not overlook. They believed that what happened during the seven months of occupation qualified them to loot the country because they see Kuwait as a temporary home, not a permanent one.

There are many officials in sensitive institutions who have wronged the people, mastered the art of looting, made clandestine illegal deals, conspired against their people, and abused the leadership that placed confidence in them and entrusted them with the task of preserving the interests of the state.

A number of these people render projects as a cake that they share with other corrupt people. There are some among them who exceeded in tyranny to the extent of imprisoning the wronged ones and even revoking their nationalities just because its owners did not agree with them on their bad approach and corruption; some were banned from traveling, and many of them lost their jobs maliciously.

All these people are suffering today, either from ulcers or over the loss of a beloved one due to the circumstance they caused, or because they were imprisoned, or they left the country and live today in the darkness of alienation with much regret.

On the contrary, there are those who are pious. They honored the trust they were bestowed upon by the leadership to serve the country and its people justly. They did not disappoint the leadership that gave them its trust. This category of people are proud of themselves and they sleep every night with peace of mind.

Before the energetic Minister Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled took over the reins of the Ministry of Interior, the ministry and some of its sensitive agencies abused the country and the people in the past, and used different standards when dealing with people, which had prompted the surge of injustices.

Also in the past, some transformed the Ministry of Defense and other institutions into their private farms. However, today the standards have changed. This is what any official should realize in order not to oppress. He does not transgress the rights of people because Almighty Allah forbade anything that leads to the ruin of people’s lives and harms them.

As a journalist, I lived through many experiences. I saw the conditions of some people change, especially those whose tyranny exceeded to a point where the weak ended up having no say. Those engaging with it sought to harm people, as if no one would hold them accountable, or there is no afterlife. What happened to them today and where did they go?

There is a lot that Almighty Allah has forbidden, but those who were created with the morals of the devils did not pay attention, so they intend to harm their country and their people. However, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Indeed Allah gives respite to the oppressor. But when He seizes him, He does not let him escape”. This is why, for the corrupt and oppressors who wreaked havoc in the country, the time for their reckoning must come.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times