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For 101 years, the Palestinian issue has been an example of how frail our situation, how our decisions are confused, and our backwardness and retreat continue in every field because we, very briefly, chose the occult over modern science, and indulged in disagreements and futile wars at the expense of settlements, and the preference for the principle of ‘everything or nothing’, based on the principle of ‘take and demand’.

If we, as Arab countries, are completely incapable of agreeing on the simplest and most obvious matters, then how can we (21 countries) agree on how to liberate Palestine?

The Palestinians put their cause in the hands of the Arabs, so they gave them money and weapons in one hand and with the other they set their conditions and demands, so the issue was immersed in Arab disputes, and since 1948 until today they have not been able to get out of it.

The Palestinians also placed a large part of their fate with the beginnings of the intensification of the conflict in the hands of the Arab Higher Committee headed by Amin Al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, a cleric of modest understanding and abilities, who believed that cooperation with Nazism was the best decision at a time when the Jews were on the side of the Western allies, and put their cause in the hands of the strongest, most experienced and financier parties including people such as Rothschild and Weizmann, and hardened loyal Zionists such as ‘Ben-Gurion’ and ‘Golda Meir’.

Since 1948, most of our countries have insisted on claiming that the Palestinian issue is their first issue, but if we look at the living and political conditions of these countries, we will find that what they are saying is far from the truth and even from logic, so how do countries like Egypt, Iraq, Syria, or even any Gulf state consider the Palestinian cause at the top of its priorities while they are mired in a sea of problems and thorny livelihood issues, and most of them complain of the inability to provide citizens with the necessary daily requirements, not to mention the strategic matters such as education, armament, development and security?

We neither developed nor allowed Palestine to develop.

In addition, many corrupt Palestinian leaders have played a role and that has been the cause of failures. The luxurious life of the majority of their former leaders abroad and widows of those who died is evidence of that corruption.

The leaders had looted what came their way thanks to absence of monitoring agencies among the leaderships that established themselves as guardians to the Palestinian people while they did not come through the popular will.

The experiences of Palestinians with democracy during a hundred years were very rare and the first was perhaps in 1996 and then came the 2006 elections after the Cairo announcement among the Palestinian factions in which Hamas achieved great success.

The rest of the factions did not like that, and that was, as the Hamas Brotherhood wanted, the end of the Gaza era and the Palestinians with elections.

Note: Parties in Kuwait and abroad have called to collect donations to provide relief to the people of Gaza through certain charity societies. If that happens, it will be another corruption, as happened in previous cases. Consequently, the Kuwait Red Crescent Society is the only one that can be relied upon in such circumstances.

Tomorrow will be another article.

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf