Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

Every courageous work attracts attention, preoccupies the mind, generates ideas, and leads to futuristic thinking. A grim idea needs someone to clear it up in order for the actual picture to be clear and for its values to be pristine. From there, ideas start to flow, and perception becomes tangible along with possible accomplishments.

The “New-Kuwait 2035” Vision adopted by the government based on an initiative of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah carries major proportion of hope for Kuwait in terms of achieving actual development. It represents steps that go beyond the stream of ambitions.

However, as with any creative project, it needs contemplation before embarking on it in order to present enhanced inputs and anticipate obstacles into perspective, which necessitates freedom of dialogue, honesty and seriousness in dealing with it.

There are those who link Kuwait’s vision with those of the neighboring countries. The only similarity is in the names, but the content is completely different in various vital aspects such as legislation and regulations, as well as the existing financial harmony allocated for such vision, and the seriousness of the plan and people’s interaction with it, which is vital.

I will not compare Kuwait’s vision with other visions so that we do not divert from its actual context and concept, with the hope that those in charge will read something between these lines.

Any major development plan needs clear features and indications that can guide the vision. Before preparing these features and guidelines, there is the need to ensure a foundation for the plan with clear objectives and bearing, rationality, and transparency in order to avoid elements of corruption and mismanagement to find its way in it.

There should be brains which are able to deal with the core aspect of this plan and be convinced by it, legislation and regulations set to deal in accordance to aspects, guidelines, instructions, and circumstances governing this plan both in the present and future.

Furthermore, the plan requires facilitating management environment without the governmental bureaucracy. It should be characterized by flexibility in taking and implementing decisions based on a suitable financial plan.

To be continued

Twitter – @alzmi1969

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi

“Management is the occupation through which the objective is met using the most cost-effective means and at the most suitable time through the use of capabilities available for the project.”

– Livingston