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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

ANNOUNCEMENT of the 2013 Parliamentary election results prompted the voters then to pin their hopes on the new legislators, especially because they were elected according to a voting system that everyone regarded as just.

However, after three years of Parliamentary life, disappointment prevailed in terms of the legislative productivity which has yet to reach the ambitious level. In fact, Kuwaitis have realized that the current members of Parliament are prisoners of the MPs in the nullified Parliaments and their complex practices. The incumbent MPs are afraid of the members of the nullified Parliaments even if the latter have been forgotten by majority of the people of Kuwait.

Despite the relatively high production in terms of legislation, the current Parliament has not dared touch the economically destructive and exploitative laws enacted by the nullified Assembly although these laws siphoned public funds at a time they are striving to accomplish a radical reform plan for the national economy. For instance, they have not reviewed the BOT Law and they have not enacted a law to end overlapping of functions between ministries as they obstruct development projects and investments, or anything similar to these laws that were enacted to serve the Parliamentary dictatorship.

They did not stop the organized destruction of social values, especially in relation to the law banning co-education which has proven to be a laughing stock.  In spite of this, the law is widely used to ‘tickle’ the election dreams of some MPs even if it contravenes the way we were brought up.

It is very unfortunate for the members of the first Parliament elected through the one-vote system as they live under the cloaks of MPs who were deleted from the accounts of people even before they announced their boycott plans.

At that time, they made desperate attempts to be noticed by instigating chaos, as manifested in the announcement of their intention to return from the boycott because the announcement did not change anything. Majority of the people did not even pay attention to the announcement.

This fact is supposed to convince our esteemed members of the Parliament that the train has left the station. It is now on the right path and it will never go back again. Therefore, the MPs should not live under the complex practices of the previous Parliaments which caused political vacuum and economic stagnation.

The previous Parliaments practiced intimidation and raised suspicion on anyone who attempted to work outside the lines drawn by a group of political blackmailers who controlled those Parliaments.

They should have known that we are in a new election era which puts an end to the era of fanatical mobilization based on sectarian and tribal tendencies, and the concept of ‘four votes’ has become history.

They should also be confident that the results of the next general elections will not change based on what it was in the previous election. In fact, there are indicators that the next general election will witness increase in the number of voters — higher than that of 2013.

Today, as the countdown to the next election begins, it is not permissible for the MPs to put their election cart in front of the legislative horse, because the people want them to cleanse the legislation pile made by the MPs of the past Parliaments. This is done through the amendment of laws enacted for the purposes of blackmailing, oppressing and crippling the development process. These MPs should have the level of confidence that the people bestowed on them; otherwise, they will wrong themselves such that their promises or services will be futile. The people’s hope for a modern and developed country should not be left in the hands of exploiters who made Kuwait suffer bitterness throughout the past years.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times