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DURING the annual celebration of Morocco’s Throne Day, King Mohammed VI reaffirmed his country’s unswerving position on transparency and honesty with which he addresses his people, and places before them all the achievements of the past year, as well as the steps that the government is working on implementing in the following year.

In this annual speech, everyone felt the heaviness of the burdens on this king. He has captivated the hearts of his people with these firm stances, far from unfulfilled wishes, because he is well aware that governance is a great responsibility and trust.

That is why the Kingdom of Morocco, in the last two decades, has taken great strides in the path of development.

This year, King Mohammed VI launched his call for Moroccans to work in a spirit of initiative and adopt the elements of steadfastness to consolidate social stability that his country has been able to achieve during the past few years, despite the great challenges, either during the COVID-19 pandemic or the international events that were reflected on all countries, to overcome and move forward on the path of development.

As the king said, “Building the kind of country we yearn for - one that is committed to progress and dignity - is possible only with the participation of all Moroccans - men and women alike - in the development process.” This reveals his keenness to advance the status of women, open up the prospects for advancement in front of them, and give them the status they deserve.

The Moroccan monarch does not open doors of ambiguity with his people. If the past year was a lean one, he addresses them about the obstacles that led to that and puts forward solutions to avoid them in the following year. If it was a year rich in work and achievements, he identifies the milestones to be followed in order to complete the building on what was achieved.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of the state and the public and private sectors, the Moroccan economy has been able to withstand crises and fluctuations. It has achieved positive results in various productive sectors, because there is a leadership working on honest guidance for the continued advancement and empowerment. And the fruits of these efforts appear daily in various sectors.

This is the secret behind the relationship between the government and the people in Morocco. After all, everyone is equal before national service, each in his position, and on top of that is an honest king with his transparency and his keenness for the best relations with brotherly neighbors in North Africa, the black continent and the Arab world. It has come to the realization of King Mohammed VI that integration is the basis for advancement, strength and steadfastness.

This explains his sincere call to the Algerian leadership to work on putting Morocco and Algeria hand in hand to establish normal relations between two brotherly peoples, united by historical and human ties, and a common destiny.

King Mohammed VI affirmed that, “What is being said about the Moroccan-Algerian relations is both unreasonable and deeply distressing. We do not and shall not allow anyone to adversely affect our brothers and neighbors.”

There is no doubt that normal relations between Morocco and Algeria will bring great benefits to the two countries and peoples, and enhance their firmness in the face of international developments.

This is a firm Moroccan position that has not changed. It is a painful fact that those who change after every four years have been investing politically in the “intruders” since 1994 to strengthen their political position internally, while the Algerian people suffer greatly from the pain of separation between them and their Moroccan brothers.

The Throne Day in Morocco is a great national occasion to renew the pledge of allegiance to the King of Hearts Mohammed VI, who changed the face of the kingdom in the last 22 years.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times