THE position taken by the commendable parliamentary legislative committee on the proposal presented by some of its (commendable) members – Khaled Al-Shatti and Ahmad Al-Fadhil – to amend or repeal one of the articles of the Nationality Law, which was introduced by the fanatics among our MPs in 1982, emitted and aggravated discordant voices.The article in question stipulates that for a person to be naturalized in Kuwait, he or she must be a Muslim. For that, we dedicate to these discordant voices the acts of Christian countries towards our brothers in religion, Muslims whose Islamic countries expelled them. They also got expelled by wealthy brotherly countries which practice Islam day and night.Some nationalities, particularly the Arab countries witnessing civil wars and turmoil, do not enter any brotherly Islamic country, especially the wealthy ones – without mentioning names because everyone knows them – unless tens of conditions and vows are made.In fact, this happens to the lucky ones among nationalities with strong ‘wastas’ in those countries through their influential compatriots.We will explain to them the decision of the Federal Republic of Germany which is ruled by the ‘Christian Democratic Union’. We underline the word ‘Christian,’ so that the one with dust in his eyes or sick could see.The country of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) represented by its Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a report which ended the debate on repatriating Syrian refugees. This prompted the German foreign affairs minister to retract the idea and announce that the Syrian repatriation is not possible at the moment. The statement was read through the ‘Der Spiegel’ website; stating that at the moment, there is no area in Syria where the Syrians can be repatriated, even the criminals among them.In the same context, reports showed 50 percent increase in the number of refugees applying for asylum in Germany compared to last year. We dedicate this information to the one who claims to be the official spokesperson of Islam and Muslims and expresses hatred toward all creatures in the world except the ones who belong to his ideology and excommunication (takfiri) tendencies which are against civilization, reality, the world and humanity.We tell him and his kind: The ones seeking asylum are your brothers in religion and creation. Majority of them came from Afghanistan which used to be a country of peace and security for all communities until you occupied it as per the order of your American masters.You turned it into hell which its children are running away from, in addition to a huge number from Turkey which is ruled by ‘Brotherhood’ Erdogan and other countries known to everyone.According to official figures, the number of asylum seekers in Germany last year reached 1.7 million – 84,000 from Afghanistan; 38,000 from Iraq and 28,000 from Syria but the number of asylum seekers from Turkey increased the most – from 7,500 to more than 10,000.These asylum seekers, who were expelled from their countries and were not welcomed by the countries of their brothers, are living in that Christian country, enjoying its health and education services with monthly allowances, and in time, they will apply for German citizenship.We hope those civilized countries will not be ruled by the kind of our discriminating ‘takfirist’ legislators, who snivel about the shameful law because it naturalizes those who are not part of their religion or their intolerant beliefs.By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil