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Any dispute between two states or two parties that results in a boycott of each other usually causes harm to both parties, albeit to varying degrees. The more affectionate and the least use of his mind, the greater his loss ... in most cases. The boycott will not work if it is not quasi-collective, individuals or institutions; otherwise it becomes selective and funny! ‘’’

France is a superpower that manufactures and exports unimaginable products. Yesterday, the national state airlines received the new Airbus planes made in Toulouse, France. Will we put them on the shelf, at the request of the extremists or the opposition, most of who did not dispose of French cheeses from their refrigerators?

What is the benefit of boycotting a few products that we find on the shelves of cooperative societies but cause harm to the local importer? Here we forget that there are hundreds of other items that even the least reasonable person among us can think of boycotting them.

Will we return the Rafale combat aircraft to France and lose tens of billions, or will we be content with boycotting all vehicles, equipment, industrial engines and cars produced by France, or will we destroy tens of millions of civil and bank cards because they are manufactured in France?

What about the printing security features placed on banknotes, passports and nationality certificates? France is not only producing wonderful perfumes, comfortable shoes, handbags, branded clothes, women’s products and cosmetics, but it is also the best place to treat cancer patients, and it is Saudi Arabia that used its special forces to eliminate Juhayman’s movement in the Grand Mosque in Makkah.

France is most distinguished in the field of intelligence, and cooperation with it in this field is very necessary, whether with regard to information or devices that prevent penetration, eavesdropping, intelligence, and many other matters of the utmost confidentiality that cannot be easily abandoned, but which are moving under the surface and are extraordinarily important for the security of any country. How can a country like our fragile security do away with all this?

The issue is not ‘a victory for our dignity and a defense of our symbols, but rather a sound rationale and behavior’. Whoever claims that shouting ‘God is great’ and stabbing a French citizen in a pharmacy, school or church, or beheading him, will restore our dignity and fortify our symbols is living in the age that has nothing to do with reality.

So a person attacking, insulting the father of one of us cannot be resolved by our hands and slashing the throat of the aggressor like sheep in front of his students and children, but by punishing him by legal means, as the Jews did with everyone who ridiculed their beliefs, or denied the occurrence of the Holocaust massacres, and treated them with villainy.

Also, victory for our sanctities is effective when we refine our morals and reduce the degree of hatred towards others in our hearts and learn something and make things and be self-sufficient, so what has changed in our countries and our souls since the publication of the Danish cartoons ten years ago?

Nothing, rather, we lagged behind and became dependent on others more and more, and we only got rich in the fields of ignorance and areas of intolerance. This is exactly what makes our enemies happy.

So, can we learn anything from the so many lessons of history? Victory for our symbols will be achieved by boycotting impotence and stupidity, and not by boycotting the great powers while we are held hostage by our weaknesses.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf