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COUNTRIES are not built by promises but by action. The integrity of an official is with himself, and his relationship with his society qualifies him to make the right decisions. This is due to the fact that he is the role model that the others follow, and thus the affairs of the state are set in order that it rises and advances socially and economically, and becomes politically stable.

However, when an official is isolated from his people, stays behind closed doors, leaves the interests of people to those who are not worthy, and does not follow up or direct, then his alienation increases, and gossips and rumors abound, leading to the destabilization of social security, which is the basis of stability.

Such a backward situation leads to popular resentment that increases with every neglect practiced by governments.

So imagine what would happen if they do not abide by the minimum conditions of proper work in leading the society, and throw everything at others through flimsy and imaginary arguments!

Unfortunately, this is the case in Kuwait.

Since the formation of the first government after the liberation, ministerial programs have been put in place with highly linguistic proficiency, but they were built on the age of procrastination. No education has been improved as it is supposed to. No health has been remedied. No infrastructure has been developed. No economy has been advanced and diversified in line with the historical slogan “Diversification of sources of income” which has become like the reputed “wren” eggs that nobody has seen. Kuwaitis may not witness such developments until decades later when we have credible governments.

It is this kind of situation that renders normal an act of sit-in to demand the most basic rights in a country where officials have resigned from their duties, and left everything to those who are not qualified to manage public affairs and have caused more crises. The horizon appears grim as a result of the failure of the concerned authorities (legislative and executive) in fulfilling the minimum duties entrusted to them.

One of the foundations of leadership is the ability to dialogue and persuade, and not to impose opinion through coercion and repression. The goal of constant dialogue is the future to achieve the best for society.

As for leaving things as they are by chance, this leads to the weakness of the state, which is like a body that cannot perform its full functions if it has a defective limb or organ. Thus clots begin, weakening the rest of the body.

In the past few years, the government intensified empty promises at a time when Kuwaitis were convinced that whoever causes the disease cannot be the source of treatment. Regardless of an official’s social status, this does not give him the ability to create the future if he is not qualified. This is due to the fact that the state administration needs a realistic vision, knowledge and diligent work.

We have to admit that Kuwait, in the past years, lacked the elements that are capable of addressing the reasons hindering development, and then developing plans to overcome them, or at least asking the elites loyal to their country to develop ideas that can help in the solution.

However, that’s not the case in Kuwait. Institutions appear on one planet and people on another, and this is what made it not fulfill its promises, even the ordinary ones. On the other hand, we see rounds of struggle almost daily over special interests between the legislative and executive authorities. Each of them is entrenched behind spite, while what is actually required is to pay attention to the country and its people, and work to get the country out of the impasse, which was forced upon us by these irresponsible authorities.

One of the most serious naive aspects of the systems is to stay away from people and neglect them, and not to consider their needs and demands, or to leave matters to those who benefit from embellishing reality in a way that is not what it is.

The countries that succeeded had field commanders who were able to achieve the development of their country and lead it to the highest international ranks.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times