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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
THERE is an international agreement for fighting terrorism and drying up its financial sources. Even Israel, which is practicing a system of various standards, has declared its commitment to this agreement.Nonetheless, it is known through leaked documents by various non-Arab bodies about an indirect cooperation between the Muslim Brotherhood Group, which is classified as a terrorist group by various countries, and Israel. It is known that political schemes were discussed between the two sides.From this perspective, it is possible to look at the ruling issued by the Swiss court which fined Egypt $2 billion in favor of Israel due to the halt in the process of pumping gas from Egypt to Israel because of the explosions perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood Group before or after 2011. Through this, the identity of the engine behind terrorism will become clear.The ruling issued on Egypt affirms the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood Group, the fact that it is a hired gun, and how its military wing in the Gaza Strip — the Hamas Movement - is in harmony with the plans of Israel.This is what the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke about at length in her biography. Therefore, there is no need for any observer to go through the trouble of discovering the level of Israeli hostility against Egypt, despite the existence of a peace treaty between Tel Aviv and Cairo.Historically, the Israeli leadership never hid their determination to destroy Egypt. This was revealed in the statement of the former Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion, during the opening of the Dimona Nuclear Plant in 1963, concerning tearing apart three countries which pose direct threat to the existence of the Zionist entity. These three countries he was talking about were Egypt, Iraq and Syria.It is not possible to also forget what former Defense Minister of Israel Moshe Dayan said in this regard. Old British documents revealed the cooperation between Muslim Brotherhood Group and Britain and Zionist agency in ensuring success of the plan for establishing Israel on the Palestinian land.It is currently necessary to bring these historic facts into the mind of every international decision-maker if they are really serious about fighting terrorism.Hence, the major countries that are allies of Israel should first work seriously on drying up the financial sources of the Muslim Brotherhood Group by confiscating their money and assets, and paying the fine that Egypt cannot bear, even though the gas-related agreement is governed by the international law.In fact, if there is a serious and sincere international intention to eradicate terrorism, the responsibility should be placed firstly on the shoulders of Israel because it was the one that made the Muslim Brotherhood do what it did.It is important to remember that, in the past years, all the attacks on the Egypt-Israel gas pipeline coincided with the Muslim Brotherhood Group’s campaign, whether against the agreement or calling for suspension of pumping of gas to Israel in solidarity with Hamas Group in Gaza Strip.This was fabricated by Israel in order to further agitate the situation. Therefore, it is naïve for the people of Egypt to be forced to pay fines imposed on them as a result of the terrorist operations perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood Group based on orders from Israel.The entire drama is saggy with a weak scenario, poor production, and even bad casting.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times