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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE volcano of anger in Lebanon and Iraq over the despicable situation in these countries is not a sudden incident sparked by protests against a certain tax, because it could be extinguished by repealing the tax or bribing protesters and revolutionists with positions here and there. It is not even about the electoral law because there is no doubt that it will reveal measurement of influential political blocs in both countries.

The issue is far beyond that as it is the outcome of the accumulation of maladministration, misappropriation of public funds, nepotism in projects transformed into sources for enriching influential people and associates of government officials, ignoring demands of citizens, organized repression of the opposition, deprivation of aspirations and abandoning national sovereignty.

What started in Iraq more than a month ago and in Lebanon since Oct 17 is the natural end of the act of prioritizing interests of political leadership and ruling party over the interests of citizens. This is in addition to deriving strength from the speech rostrum full of Persian vocabularies and expressions, whereas the corrupt group supported by Persian conspirators is taking control of resources in both countries.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see the Tehran angels of hell hired in Lebanon and Iraq coming out, after their teacher who taught them sorcery, to issue statement against public revolution. They were apportioning blames right and left to the protesters.

The scenario reminds us of the situation of Vietnam in 1940 and 1954 when public protests erupted against French occupation. It was different from the usual situation in India and China at the time whereby the occupation forces were killing and shooting. This sparked serious public revolution leading to withdrawal of French forces, defeated and ridiculed. The United States that replaced them also ended up in the sea of blood, leading to its defeat and humble withdrawal in 1957.

In that war, the advanced technology was useless; while weapons of mass destruction, tanks and warplanes of France and America could not force the revolutionists to submission. The reason was that the Vietnamese national dignity made citizens repel the invaders with disgrace. They even used bicycles as weapons to challenge tanks and soldiers exactly the same way we see today on the streets of Baghdad, Basra, Kufah and Karbala where the ‘tuk tuk’ has become the mode of challenging the sectarian militia influence. The Iranian grip on Iraq is gradually waning, while the cobweb of the ‘ungodly Hezb’ is falling in Lebanon so much that it can no longer control what used to be known as the incubation environment.

The incidents in both countries have been crystallizing into a clearer picture, which is a peaceful revolution growing everyday in challenging the expansion system invading Iraq and controlling Lebanon. The international community keeps on watching the situation in both countries instead of protecting the vulnerable citizens. This can only happen if the goal of super powers is to re-launch the Mullah regime through the massacre being perpetrated by its gangs in Iraq; while preparing Hezbollah for movement to Lebanon in case the legitimate security forces do not give in, as well as repelling protesters.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times