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THE general elections in Iraq ended with the defeat of the Iranian project of hegemony through sectarian militias. It lasted for 18 years through joint US-Iranian control, which prompted the crows of these gangs to threaten the return of civil war, reject the poor results obtained by their candidates, and avoid succumbing to the popular will.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi pledged more than once to proceed with reform, no matter how high the wave of rejection was. He stressed that he would not fear the right to be blamed and would satisfy the people’s desire to comply with the results of the ballot boxes. He reiterated this when he met the editors-in-chief of Kuwaiti newspapers during his last visit to the country.

There is no doubt that Al-Kadhemi, who stood in the face of the tide of sabotage and corruption, is now stronger than he was at any stage before, backed by the great popular support represented by the Iraqis’ rejection of Iran’s agent groups.

Therefore, during his remaining tenure, he must proceed with the required steps to resolve matters so as not to lose the achievement he has gained so far, and to help the popular uprising that has been ongoing for two years to get these gangs out of power.

The whole world has heard the word of the Iraqi people, who this time did not pay attention to the heresies of some of the clerics affiliated with Iran, and thus failed to push for creedal and sectarian fervor to re-establish power according to Tehran’s visions.

This means the Iraqis have restored some independence for political decisions for Haroun Al-Rashid’s capital, which would be complete only by emancipating from the games of nations pushed by Tehran and Barack Obama’s administration when they sought to solve the regional problem at the expense of the people of the region.

This biased solution was based on the partition project through the establishment of a sectarian state in southern Iraq that includes Kuwait and the eastern region of Saudi Arabia, which applies to the rest of the sectarian components in the region, that is, the realization of Obama’s doctrine by fragmenting the Arab world into warring states.

This came in the revelations published by the the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her memoirs, and the way she exerted great efforts to give the Muslim Brotherhood Group some countries as a prelude to creating areas of sectarian conflict that will last forever. This is what Khomeinist Iran has been working on since 1979.

Here, it may be useful to look at the Iranian expansionist project, which the Persian racist creed has not changed despite the historical change of circumstances. It used to start from two points - Iraq as the gateway to the Arab world, and Azerbaijan as the gateway to the Caucasus Sea countries. Any defeat of any of these two projects means defeat of the malicious scheme.

Today there are many challenges facing the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi, as well as the government that will succeed his government, the most important of which is not to succumb to the street threat launched by groups loyal to Iran, and not to retreat from reforms so that Iraq does not lose its last remaining bastion in the face of the project of Persianism.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times