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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE announcement by the Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif on increasing the production of enriched uranium and operating the Arak heavy water accelerator is not strange as it is part of the stubborn attitude that the Iranian regime has adopted for decades.

The questions are: Does Tehran believe it can force the international community to submit to its conditions by producing a nuclear bomb? Do the Mullah regime leaders imagine that weapons of mass destruction are still part of the profitable merchandise which can provide power for a State to impose its political will? North Korea is an example. It has started to abandon its military nuclear program due to starvation caused by the international blockade. North Korean leaders eventually realized that no one in the world can gamble on weapons of mass destruction.

Israel is another example. Despite the fact that it owns about 200 nuclear warheads, it failed to change the equation of power in the region. Furthermore, it did not dare to use its nuclear arsenal in any of the wars it launched, including the Oct 6, 1973 war in which it was defeated.

Thus, the programmed Iranian evasion will make Iran more isolated from the international community. It will end up without any supporters. Even the supposed allies of Iran in Moscow and Beijing do not agree with the Iranians’ crashing and provoking political attitude towards the international community. Moreover, the nuclear weapon will become a heavy burden as in the case of all other countries possessing nuclear weapons.

Perhaps, Tehran is trying to follow in the footsteps of Islamabad and New Delhi. Nevertheless, none of them dared to hint using nuclear weapons against the other in spite of the continuous struggle between them.

Base on such fact, the threats adopted by Zarif, the Revolutionary Guard and most Iranian officials, in addition to the continuing piracy of oil tankers along the Somali pathway, will never bring benefits to the regime as long as the streets continue to witness demonstrations of millions of Iranians demanding food and freedom.

The only available solution for the Mullahs is to close the book of evil which they keep on reading. They have to work hard in order to improve relations with their neighbors and to stop making threats. The entire world calls on Iran to stop manipulating the security of its neighbors and put an end to interference in the internal affairs of the latter. The world wants Iran to stop its terrorist operations, money laundering and drug smuggling in Latin America and other parts of the world.

These demands are not hard to fulfill if there is a vision aimed at taking Iran out of the internal impasse. Once the internal crises explode, the whole Iranian land will be transformed into destructive volcanoes due to ethnic disputes among various components of the society. We urge the Mullah leaders to think twice and take the interest of their country into consideration. This entails improving relations with their neighbors, especially the GCC countries.

They have to learn the lesson and remember that the late Egyptian president Jamal Abdulnasser lost a lot when he dealt with Saudi Arabia as an enemy. The result of such a situation was a bitter economic crisis that Egypt had experienced. They have to keep in their minds that Saddam Hussein ended up being executed. They should remember the most tragic scene of Gaddafi’s end after he took part in the conspiracy to assassinate the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. Again, Iran that dealt with Saudi Arabia as an enemy was a victim of the tight blockade and was trapped like a rat according to the tweet of Qatari Dr Fahd Al-Hajeri.

Thus, ending the Iranian enmity towards Saudi Arabia is the obligatory passageway to the international community. Will Iran learn the lesson or decide to bring troubles to itself?

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times