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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

If the shoe fits, wear it. This adage can be applied to what transpired recently in the Gulf of Oman where four commercial ships were subjected to “acts of sabotage”.

The first to break the news was an Iranian media outlet, after which a statement was issued by the Chairman of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hashmatullah Falahat Pishe in which he said, “The Fujairah bombings prove that the security in the southern Arabian Gulf is as fragile as glass.”

Shortly after Pishe’s statement was released, official spokesman of Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abbas Moussawi called for further clarification on what exactly happened with the vessels, and warned against any conspiracy orchestrated to undermine the region’s stability and security.

The threats being launched on a daily basis by the leaders of Iran are unfolding. This is with regard to its forces’ ability to defeat the United States of America and render the Arabian Gulf region to be the cemetery of its soldiers as well as Iran’s ability to sink US aircraft carrier with a single strike.

All the circumstantial evidences point at Iran, especially since several officials and analysts started talking about “regional security system among countries in the Arabian Gulf”.

History reveals various atrocities committed by Iran, which sparked wars in the region starting with the bombing of cinema theaters, mosques and assassination in Iraq minutes before war erupted between them, which led Iraq to declare war that continued for eight months. Iran lost it after it refused any peaceful initiative throughout the war.

During that period, rejection of any kind of dialogue was based on the conviction of the regime’s fanatics concerning the duty of war as a preliminary step to the emergence of the awaited savior Mahdi in line with the ideology reiterated by former Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadi Najad during his tenure.

These scenes affirm that the masters of proxy wars and terrorist operations are attempting to drag the US through a new path in the Arabian Gulf, leading them to commit this crime.

Therefore, it is imperative for the UAE to investigate and find those culprits. After that we will see what position Iran will take and if it will accept the outcome or not.

In a war, it is usually known who fires the first bullet but it is difficult to determine who fires the victory shot. However, in this confrontation that Iran is striving towards, the loser is already known. It is the side that stirs most dust of threats beyond its capacity to handle.

Iran has no allies in this world amid the series of American sanctions which proved their effectiveness in isolating the Iranian regime. Hence, Iran’s recklessness will end up setting itself ablaze.

Would the Mullahs hold their horses and prevent dragging Iranians into a toxic obliterating war?

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times