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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT SEEMS the Yemeni coup plotters are yet to be convinced that procrastination during the peace talks can never achieve the desired result — their plan to hold on to the territories they snatched where Iranian wishes are being enforced. They should realize that the obstacle will soon be crushed by the rage of citizens.

The Houthi-Saleh group is dead wrong if it thinks it can blackmail the legitimate government and the Arab coalition, which are striving hard to enforce stability in Yemen and enable the state institutions to perform their normal roles.

The coalition’s stance is not based on weakness but on the strategy it used for running the Operation Resolve Storm from its inception.

The events of the past months have proven to not only the Yemenis but to the world at large that the coup plotters struggled to impose the will of the Mulla regime on about 26 million people.

It was on this basis that they destroyed Sana’a and other cities in Yemen, but their policy of burning territories had an adverse effect on them. Nevertheless, they continued to use the same method in Ta’az. The same way they failed previously, its destruction will neither be in their favor nor change the trend of negotiations in Kuwait.

It is unacceptable to transform Saeda into another district in the South from where another Hassan Nasrallah in Yemen will rule. This could reach the extent of preventing its leader and government to perform their duties and enforcing terrorist vision on its people similar to that obtainable in Lebanon.

What the Houthis should understand is that the legitimate government and the GCC countries are working hard towards establishing a liberated and independent Yemen, as this country has never been colonized. Neither Iran nor any other country can subject Yemen to the control of terrorists.

The GCC countries are exerting joint efforts for the greater development of that country. They have foiled the plan of the ‘peacock regime’ to control Egypt through the Muslim Brotherhood Group the same way they did in Libya and Syria. What are they expected to do if such a threat is directed towards their closest neighbor? Are the coup plotters under the illusion that these countries will allow the existence of a python hole of the Persian expansion to get at them from the South?

The coup plotters should realize that life is not about negotiations and that every ailment is curable. Therefore, the appropriate treatment for coup plotters’ procrastination disease is cauterization, which can be done through a firm decision by the coalition in agreement with Yemen’s legitimate government.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, Arab Times