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INTERNATIONAL justice is usually slow because it is subject to the countries’ positions on military conflicts, but the hand of justice eventually catches up with those who committed crimes against humanity.Therefore, anyone who thinks that Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, together with the leaders of killing and terror gangs, will escape justice is wrong. Or in better circumstances, such a person is shortsighted and is betting on a phantom.This is due to the fact that throughout the past four years, the entire world has been following events in Yemen. The international organizations have collected evidence against the criminals.Since the birth of the terrorism clone in 1992, the group has committed many crimes. It was engaged in six wars against the Yemeni military in a bid to establish the so-called ‘Imamiya Caliphate’, resulting in the loss of many lives among civilians.With the start of the ‘Arab Spring’ wave in 2011, the group expanded its hostility and attempted to drag Yemen into civil war. Its attempts failed for three years until the Yemeni General People’s Congress turned against the Gulf resolution. It was then that the Houthis found an opportunity to invade majority of the areas in Yemen.The strategic objective of the group is to drag countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which sponsored the resolution, into an open war in the service of the Persian expansionism scheme.At the time, the group committed atrocities in Aden, Sanaa and other provinces. It imposed house arrest on the legitimate authority which is recognized internationally.This has prompted the United Nations Security Council to issue four international resolutions listed under section seven. One of them clearly asked the Houthi group to withdraw its armed militants, surrender its weapons to the legitimate authority, and cease violations against civilians. Such violations rose to the level of crimes against humanity.The group disregarded all resolutions and impeded international mediation. In fact, it went on to kill and starve civilians as it looted international relief; in addition to looting banks, destruction of infrastructure, raping women and recruiting child soldiers. All these were blatant challenges to international legitimacy.Today, when the war is about to end and majority of Yemeni provinces have been liberated from the Houthis, the issue of prosecuting Houthi leaders resurfaced; considering the crimes they committed and human suffering they caused.This means Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi and his group will have the same fate as Bosnian politician Radovan Karadžic. The hands of justice caught up with him after 13 years in hiding and he ended up being sentenced to 40 years in prison.Or, he will poison himself in court after listening to the charges, similar to what Bosnian Croat General Slobodan Praljak did in 2017.The Houthis’ leaves of pride have started falling; thereby, exposing them. On the other hand, the evil Iranian regime is crumbling as the European countries have started to disown the nuclear deal, even Germany which is the most optimistic country over the deal. German Chancellor Angela Merkel even described the leaders of the Mullah regime as butchers and murderers.Hence, the sanctuary which Al-Houthi would have turned to is no longer safe. The furious flame is burning under the feet of Tehran’s Mullahs, some of whom will undoubtedly stand in the international criminal cage.This will happen once the Iranians take a decisive step at a time the house of oppression and starvation crumbles. Then, the Iranians will come out of the caves of the dark Middle Ages.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times