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ONCE upon a time, a governor of Damascus was touring the city market. He encountered a member of the public, who spat on his face and slapped him. When the guards wanted to arrest him, the governor ordered them to leave him alone. Instead, the governor invited him to his headquarters, and gave him 2,000 dinars as reward and appreciation for his action.

Those watching were amazed by the governor’s actions against a person who spat on him and insulted him. When the governor was asked to explain his action, he responded by saying, “By doing this, I have encouraged him to spit in the face of the Caliph and slap him if he happens to visit the market. The Caliph would then order me to cut off his head, and by that, I would take revenge on him without taking responsibility for his blood.”

This story applies to the Houthis, who believe that their terrorist acts deceive the Arab coalition and Saudi Arabia, and that they are their own making. The Houthis imagine that the world believes their lie that it is not fighting on behalf of Iran, but the truth is that the coalition knows the extent of its involvement and is waiting for the right moment.

It is waiting for Iran to translate its threats into an attack on the American forces stationed in the region, so that the international community, which does not deviate from the American will, allows the Arab coalition to discipline it and uproot the Houthi tumor from the region.

For example, a few days ago, Iran denied its involvement in the aggression at Ras Tanura, However, all the evidence affirmed that the missile was launched from an Iranian warship belonging to the Revolutionary Guard at sea. The Revolutionary Guards had announced a few days earlier the unveiling of what it called an underground missile city belonging to its naval forces. The Iranian media had reported that this city is located in south Iran overlooking the Arabian Gulf.

Perhaps this bravado is the trap that the Mullahs regime has placed itself in, as the Iranian military forces and its missile programs are viewed internationally as a threat to the Middle East and the Gulf. It is currently the top topic of any talks on the Iranian file; therefore, it is not a threat to the Arabian Gulf states alone but also to the world.

The Iranian belief in the possibility of impunity based on the behavior of the man from Damascus towards the governor brings the regime closer to international wrath. Meanwhile, the Arabian Gulf states are staying away from getting involved in a regional war, especially since their leaders are well aware of the region’s need for stability due to its privileged position and international importance economically.

For example, these countries stood against Saddam Hussein at the beginning of his war with Iran in 1980. The late King Fahad bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia had advised him not to respond to the Iranian attacks, and told him, “You have to bear a little so that they fall into their evil deeds, and their people revolt against them”. However, Saddam did not listen to this advice, and this led to a bloody war that lasted eight years. Today, the Gulf states’ sagacity is leading the Mullahs regime to the guillotine.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times