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My friend, former ambassador, says that Mr. Youssef Abdel Moati taught him the Arabic language in Salah El-Din Intermediate School in the late 1950s, and he remembers that he spoke only English besides his Arabic, and that he was a good teacher, and after his retirement he worked as a researcher at the Research and Studies Center.

Abdel Moati was known for his affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, and was among those who fled early from the brutality of the Nasser regime in Egypt, and perhaps this affiliation helped him subsequently to obtain the Kuwaiti citizenship, to be one of the few Egyptians who had this honor.

He was also able to naturalize his children, even though the naturalization law at his time did not allow this, and perhaps his relations with Muslim Brotherhood also facilitated his affairs, as usual.

Abdul Moati left Kuwait permanently, heading to his homeland Egypt, where he died three months ago. It is known that the late Moati is the founder of the Teachers Institute (1961 - 1962), when the late “Khaled Al-Masoud” was holding the portfolio of the Ministry of Education. His affiliation with the Brotherhood had the greatest impact in making the institute a breeder for teachers loyal to the Brotherhood’s ideology.

The occasion of this article is the appearance of his granddaughter in a video tape in which she stated that she is Kuwaiti, and that she answers that she is from Egypt if someone asks her where she is from, because Egypt, in her view, is a country of civilization and history, and food.

She said that her grandfather Youssef spoke seven languages, and this was not known about him, and that he was one of the founders of education in Kuwait, and this is also not true.

It appears from the girl’s words that the problem does not lie in her ingratitude, but rather in the failure of her educators and the educational system in Kuwait to create any kind of love and respect, let alone loyalty to the state that granted its nationality to her grandfather, her family and her despite the money spent on her health and education, and how after half a century or more, the current educational system has not been able, and often deliberately, to make Kuwait a home and a residence for her or her family, and even considering it a country without civilization or history and not even food.

There is lot to be understood from the dangerous words of the girl that urge us to review our curricula. What she said, and what was said by her predecessors, showed the failure of our Brotherhood’s educational system to instill the values of loyalty, love and respect for the homeland, not in the hearts of those who were naturalized but even in the hearts of those who claim to belong to it.

It also proves the government’s fatal mistake in handing over the entire educational system to the forces of backwardness – Brothers and Salafis – who do not originally believe in the idea of the homeland, and the need to restore education from them, after they destroyed it for more than half a century.

It is, by the way, the same educational system that taught and planted grudge and hatred for the other in the hearts of the likes of “Khaled Sheikh Mohammad”, the planner, mastermind and executor of the September 11 attacks, when he was living in Kuwait and receiving education and forensic science in its schools.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf