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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT is time for the international community to enforce its decisions to protect the oppressed people from the corrupt dictatorships in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, after the mafias, which hide behind constitutional legitimacy at times or religious legitimacy at some stage, began resurfacing through frivolous maneuver, some reaching the point of committing crimes against humanity as in the case of the Ukrainian plane being shot down by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

There is no doubt that the ongoing popular uprising in Iran since December 2018, which has so far resulted in the death of about 2,000 people and detention of more than ten thousand others, has put the Mullahs regime in an unenviable position, prompting it to commit foolishness in the past months, along with its repeated attempt to transfer this foolishness abroad by claiming that the events in Lebanon and Iraq are due to an external conspiracy.

All this is aimed at escaping from acknowledging the fact that the uprising is popular due to the miserable condition of the protesters, and the practices of the regime, which increased its international isolation and refl ected on the people. However, these practices have failed due to the persistence of millions of protesters for their demands to be met.

In the recent days, it escalated to the point of demanding the elements of the regime – from the top of the pyramid to the lowest official in the Revolutionary Guards – to step down. The picture does not differ greatly in Iraq where the 120-day uprising has left the ruling class in a very confused state. It is neither able to extinguish it nor meet the demands of the people who are focused on ousting it, especially after tripping in choosing a new prime minister.

This happened because of the policy failure of the bloody repression that led to the death of about 2,900 people, as well as intense confrontations after the fl agrant violation of the Iraqi sovereignty of the Revolutionary Guards, and the bombing of Ain Al-Assad and Erbil bases, which the Iraqis consider as an attack on their country, as well as their rejection of any arguments presented by the resigned government, and their persistence on the departure of the pro-Iranian clique.

In Lebanon, the picture is no better than what it is in Iran and Iraq. However, it seems more tragic, especially after it was dropped in the hands of the authority that secures a cosmetic outlet for it, so to speak, through a government that does not meet the demands of its people.

The living and economic conditions have become more complicated, and the political class masters are practicing political fraud on its people. Due to all this, the demonstrations taking place in the cities of Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as the violent turn taken by the protests, represent a natural prelude to toppling the ruling classes in these countries.

This is occurring after they were unable to suppress them due to the close international control, and the warnings by more than one international institution – either the United Nations, or others led by the United States of America. The senior officials of these institutions support the protesters’ demands, and insisted that the authorities in these countries should not harm the demonstrators.

In turn, this has prevented the dictatorships from persisting with repression, especially in Iran, where the ruling regime had for years considered lying and deception as the way out from facing the people’s wrath.

Today, it is unable to block the social media and cover up its massacres against protesters. The picture was completely different as we saw in the protests that broke out after attempts to distort the truth in the aftermath of the downing of the Ukrainian plane, and the extent of vulnerability of the “Basij” and other security forces. Nonetheless, the international warnings imply that Iran is under the microscope.

Therefore, the ugliness that it tried to cover up with poetic cosmetics made it uglier than it was before. The picture has become clearer about the future of the Iranian tripartite hegemony in the region.

The popular coup against it has reached the point of no return. The free killing of demonstrators to protect the ruling clique in any of these countries will be met with severe punishment from the international community, which is fed up of all the acrobatics by either the peacock regime in Tehran, or its tentacles in Baghdad, or its agent, the kidnapper of Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah. This means the international community must not enter into behind-the-scenes settlements again which could resuscitate these clique that are currently clinically dead

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief,
the Arab Times
[email protected]