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I believe in three main and secondary viewpoints regarding our conflict with Israel, and our future in the world and history in the coming decades or centuries.

First: Our conflict with Israel is primarily civilizational, and we are far behind it. It is enough that it manufactures the majority of its weapons, and exports some of them, while being able to develop what it imports! On the other hand, we are often unable to even use the weapons we have purchased, originally imported from “friends of Israel,” and this makes them prevail in any future war.

Second: The logic of history says that Israel will inevitably disappear, and the majority of those who rule it have this concern, and therefore they act on the basis that any laxity in the issue of security means the end of the state, and this concern, for example, is not complained of by a country like Egypt. The Israelis know that they are foreign bodies in a region to which they do not belong historically, ethnically, or culturally, and the solution before them is peaceful coexistence with the rest of the components of the region, and assimilation with them, without that there are great horrors!

Third: And most importantly, we need to develop and progress and truly believe in the importance and necessity of building a free human being and applying the principles of justice, equality, and humanity in our countries. Without a free human being, justice, and equality, no nation can rise. Our countries do not believe in all human rights, which were mentioned in the Universal Declaration, without believing in this we will not find a free person enjoying his rights to justice, freedom, and equality. Therefore, oppression will continue, tyranny will spread more, and the plundering of wealth will expand, and with it usually comes the trinity of ruin: poverty, ignorance, and disease. “This will weaken any entity, no matter how financially wealthy it is.

Therefore, whoever believes that it is easy to eliminate Israel militarily once we unite, or by requesting help from our friends, is mistaken. This solidarity will not be achieved at all, and if it is achieved and we win over Israel militarily, and regain Palestine, then the defeat within us, the humiliation of our condition, our division, and the absence of justice and equality in our societies, which are racist and hate minorities in them, to the core, and deem them infidels, and consider them worthy of marginalization, and even exile on earth. It will make losing Palestine a second or third time a possibility, as the one who is defeated internally cannot be victorious externally!

Therefore, lamenting that the Arab countries have not taken the same path since the 1960s as Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan in terms of development, freedom, and democracy is meaningless.

Its progress and success depended on “factors” that are not present in our countries at all, and that have nothing to do with the beliefs we believe in, but rather contradict and contradict them radically, and make the successful implementation of “progress” in our societies impossible!

We are neither Taiwan, nor Singapore, and not even Rwanda, which has achieved tremendous growth rates, due to the absence of anything that hinders these countries from progressing, and limits our progress.

The cleric, in all the countries above, and others of course, does not have that pivotal role, such as we have, to the extent even the decision to reconcile with Israel, which is a purely strategic and sovereign decision, in a country the size of Egypt, requires a fatwa from Al-Azhar, and someone might say that it was a formality, but how many formalities have destroyed souls and mini-states!

A final note: Everyone praises Hamas, and no one denies its role, of course, but almost none of the Palestinians, or others, are willing to live under its rule, as it aims to rule all of Palestine, and other of our countries, according to the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its “A religious emirate or Islamic caliphate.” There is no constitution, no courts, and no freedoms, but rather extremism and an imposed veil.”

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf