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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT IS very unfortunate for Iraq that some Iraqis are redrawing the image of the Mogul massacre and depending on the Persian ‘Hulagu’ — Qassim Suleimani. If the Moguls painted the water of Tigris and Euphrates rivers using the ink of books which they threw into these two rivers, today’s Tartars of the Popular Mobilization Forces are using the blood of their compatriots.

The objective behind the incidents in the Iraqi city of Falluja, as well as those in Ramadi and other areas in Iraq where the sectarian Popular Mobilization Forces have entered under the leadership of officers from the so-called ‘Al-Quds Forces’ is not to combat terrorism.

Instead, whatever transpired and continues to transpire in those areas is organized terrorism. Such incidents clearly manifest the objective that the regime in Iran is striving to achieve through its revolutionary delusion of planting seeds of sectarian war between the people of the same community.

In 1920, this community managed to crush the British aggression despite its limited abilities compared to the military might of the British in terms of equipment and weaponry. It also resisted the US aggression and made the US admit its defeat.

These people — through the unity of Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and followers of other religions among them — stood strong in confronting Iran for eight years until it defeated the Iranian regime. At the time, they made Ayattollah Al-Khomeni publicly announce his agreement to international resolutions as if he was sipping from a cup of poison.

Unfortunately, the Iraqis today are drowning themselves in the mirage of seditious and sectarian slogans. Some of them committed massacres against their compatriots. All these because they put their bet on the active political force in the government supported by Iran. This political force is executing Iran’s expansionism plan while ripping apart the scheme of Iraq and other Arab nations.

Iraq can never return to its stability and peace unless the Government and Parliament make a national decision to dissolve the Popular Mobilization Forces, indict its leaders for committing crimes against the other social textures of Iraq, and expel every ally of the new ‘Hulagu’ in the battle field.

Before all that, it is imperative to expel Qassim Suleimani and his officers from Iraq. Only the Iraqi forces should confront terrorist groups — whether the Shiite or Sunni militias. If this happens, carrying out massacres under the pretext of fighting against DAESH will stop.

Regardless of its formation basis and principles, it is not possible for the Iraqi Government to control the entire country while protecting some sectarian murderous ministers who instigate sectarian campaigns under the pretext of expressing the ‘grievances’ of sectarian forces that adopted Shiite creedal alliance as its mask.

In reality, these forces do not represent anything that has to do with Iraqis or Shiites and their Arab unity, which was the main ingredient that led to past victories against the aggressors.

Currently, the most important step is to protect the citizens of Iraq — Sunnis, Shiites, Christians or Sabians — not from the enemies outside Iraq; but from those within who are deeply engaged in executing the expansionism scheme of the regime in Iran.

All these cannot be achieved unless a historic stance is taken with everyone looking beyond his religious creed and sect, for them to return to their Iraq and pan-Arabism. Or else, the Iraqis will return to the Tartar’s era, but this time, it will be tougher and more savage compared to what their grandfathers went through when yesterday’s Mogul brought down the capital of the Islamic Caliphate.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times