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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

WE all make mistakes and the best among wrongdoers are those who repent. Based on this, we have to find an answer to these questions: Is it the government alone that errs. What about the legislative authority where the network of self-serving and personal interest is built?

This is in addition to the parallel network between lawmakers and ministers revolving around varieties of corruption which are not limited to simple movements or intermediaries. This is because the extent of mutual exchange of interests is no longer hidden, especially in the past few years when there was widespread boasting that ministers succumbed to the whims of lawmakers or that lawmakers defended ministers despite knowing the latter did not perform expected roles according to the constitutional oath.

There have been talks about massive deposits, suspicious deals, illegal appointments, nepotism in awarding of contracts, poor performance of lawmakers in legislation or using bills and laws to serve the interests of some of them, and non-approval of projects until lawmakers received their shares of the loot. In return, diwaniyas are filled with noise about violations in the State’s executive authority.

If there is any window of hope for reform, then it should be in giving up the error; because this is the virtue which can sustain stability and revitalize activities in the executive and legislative authorities. This cannot be realized without a firm decision. This is a complex network of exchange of parliamentarian and ministerial interests, which made Kuwaitis preys of a series of bad precedents. This is the reason why the reaction of people to the recent incidents was heightened.

This big deficiency is now under the watch of the guardian who has been using his wisdom to handle problems. He is putting a limit to division in performances of both authorities through his firmness. He knows that Kuwait does not have any option but toeing the path of renaissance and growth at all cost, especially since we are facing a strange scenario of interest seeking that has been spoiling the image of the country and weakening its regional and international roles. This is happening at a time the mainstay of every diplomatic move was and still striving to reconcile viewpoints in the region, particularly extinguishing the embers of crises inflaming more than one front in the region.

Series of questions are being asked about this network which has reached the scandalous level in terms of the relationship between lawmakers and ministers, considering their consistent efforts to hamper major projects upon which the country is embarking. Without a doubt, these projects are regarded as the gateway through which the country can enter new economic and social levels. The country today is in dire need of these projects. It does not have any option other than these projects to avoid being on the waiting pavement, looking for an opportunity which may not come until after many decades.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times