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IN the memory of the “Nakba” (catastrophe) or partition, as in the Arab literature, and independence as per the Israeli point of view, and under the raging fire in the Gaza Strip, and the uprising in the 48 Arab regions, the truth reemerges in the forefront, which is the inevitability of peace and agreement in order for the Palestinians to come out of the furnace where a group of mercenaries who work for a foreign agenda in Gaza put them from time to time.

From 1948 until date, the rhetoric of liberation has been preached. Instead of settling with the areas that Israel acquired through occupation in accordance with the international Resolution No. 181, those areas expanded to include the entire Palestine.

This rendered the Palestinians to be scattered around the world because none of the Arabs and Palestinians approached the matter realistically or pragmatically. Instead, they were taken by the vanity of being able to liberate what was stolen.

However, it became clear in time that this liberation will be achieved through slogans and false victories, which reveal, when the situation settles, the horror of the tragedy, leaving the Palestinians in a more displaced, scattered, impoverished, destitute and weak state than they were, while Israel continues to grow stronger with unlimited support from the western world.

Today, in light of the tragedy that the people of the Gaza Strip are experiencing, it has become necessary for the concerned parties to sit at the negotiating table, as proposed by the new US administration, and establish two states living side by side, given that there is no other way out.

Enough are the deaths caused by adventurists who trade in the blood of defenseless while they live in other countries, just like Khaled Meshal and Ismail Haniyeh, who boast from Doha about the resistance and insult the Arabian Gulf states even though they and their children are outside the circle of fire.

The Arabs missed many opportunities, and even betrayed those who guided them on the right path, starting with Habib Bourguiba, then the late Anwar Sadat, and the Arab rationalists, who believe that getting out of the tunnel needs the light of peace, which alone can stop the Israeli orgy.

In light of the Arab impotence to uproot Israel from existence, it is necessary to return to reason, and to adopt the initiative of the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who peacefully regained the Sinai, the Suez Canal, and the last inch of his country’s occupied land.

The late president told me in a press interview, “What is important is that the Jews sign an agreement, as it would mark the end of Israel, not the war, which it is seeking in order to maintain the world’s sympathy for it by portraying itself as the victim. I am not fighting Israel, but the United States and Europe, which provide it with arms and equipment. If I were to fight Israel alone, the crisis would have ended years ago.”

It is true that Israel has sustained damages from the shelling, and is losing daily, but that does not affect it as much as it affects the Palestinians, who should not bring their nation into a new war that it will not be able to win.

Therefore, there is no solution to their cause except peace, which would diminish Israel and boost the Arabs.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times