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I avoid reading the newspapers deeply as far as I can especially the articles of my colleagues just because of the desire to comment negatively or positively on everything I read. This is an exhausting issue, so ignorance becomes light, every rule has an exception.

While going through the Al Qabas daily a few days ago, I read the news about the Director of the Center for Islamic Medicine in Al-Sabah area about honoring the male and female employees of the Center, all the administrative staff, engineers and the rest of the employees in recognition of their dedication to their work.

Since the center is medical, it drew my attention to the doctors since none of them were honored though they are most important part of the center than the others. Does this mean that they do not deserve honoring, or were they absent?

To get rid of the confusion and to clarify another matter related to the correct name of the center, I tried to contact the manager, phone 24840081, and called repeatedly at least ten times, and waited, and finally managed to talk to her assistant on the extension line 224 and she refused to transfer the call to the manager and said the manager will call me later but she did not do, I made calls again but with no result, so I wrote this article.

I went to the website of the center. I did not find what I wanted to know but I found news about the director setting up a workshop for the center’s staff related to how to use the fire extinguishers, another about the environment and a third on harm resulting from plastic use.

I visited the center, and found almost no visitors were there, perhaps because the patients preferred to resort to world known medicine to folk (traditional) or alternative medicine, a medicine that almost all the people of the world knew before the knowledge of modern medicine and continued to follow in one way or another, therefore folk medicine is not connected to religion or doctrine but to human experiments with medicines and preparations including herbs some of which have several benefits.

The irony here is that the enthusiasm we show for Islamic medicine is not consistent with what many Islamic countries have shown to ignore those who were behind this medicine, such as Al-Razi, Al-Kindi, Abu Ali Sinna, Al-Bayrouni, Ibn Al-Haytham, Ibn Rushd and others.

The majority of these people have been ignored, and some of them were killed by the rulers of their time because of their ideological and political positions. Therefore, in the last 40 years or so, we have not seen anyone wishing to name hospitals or medical centers after them, but this is rare and took place before the unblessed Islamic awakening.

The curricula of the schools are almost devoid of the history and biography of the majority of these eminent figures because some of the hardliners consider them infidels and unworthy of being honored or remind people by including their achievements in the curriculum.

We conclude by saying that a deliberate distortion of the name of this center which was established by the late Khalid Al-Marzouq in 1984 under the name of his parents to commemorate them, but the Ministry of Health tried hard to blur this fact and promote the center without naming it properly.

We hope the concerned parties will draw the attention of officials to this distortion, which we hope was not deliberate, and the need to give credit to the owners.

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf