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THE periodic summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will take place on Sunday amid the uncomfortable atmosphere – whether the media campaigns launched by various bodies or evil efforts exerted by certain parties to cripple the security and stability of GCC countries.
Their evil objective is to achieve what was previously known as ‘Arab Spring’ with the participation of those who are supposed to be members of the Gulf house.
Certain incidents transpired in the last two months in relation to the issue of the late Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Prior to that, a tarnishing campaign was launched against some GCC leaders and such an intense campaign has not been witnessed in the last four decades.
All talks, whether publicly or behind closed doors, about the brotherhood, common destiny and striving towards unity and open border policies which facilitate movement of people and goods between the GCC member countries ended in what resembles the era of invasions and imposition.
It is as if the sacrifices made since 1981 when the GCC was formed till date are just vague rhetoric. What lies in the heart differs from what is being said by the tongue.
In addition, the region is not used to, perhaps since hundreds of years ago, transgressive rivalry and obscenity which, according to media outlets, have reached the level of instigating animosity between GCC nations.
A lot has been said in the past two months about the late Jamal Khashoggi. Enough has been said to close the chapter, at least in the Gulf region, especially after the Saudi leadership represented by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosque King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman condemned the incident, in addition to the arrest of those involved in the issue. This reflects the major responsibility of the Kingdom in dealing with the issue.
Everyone knows, especially in the Middle East, that governments monitor their citizens outside their land and abduct people. Maybe, the fate of hundreds and thousands of them remains a mystery.
Moreover, this kind of incident could have happened in any advanced country. In fact, some children assaulted their fathers horribly and it seems the world was not concerned like it happened in the case of Khashoggi.
Apparently, some took Khashoggi’s case as an opportunity to express hatred towards the Kingdom and Gulf nationals in a bid to further divide the people who are waiting for the bond and cohesion to be stronger as the true expression of national relations.
This intentional animosity against the Gulf nations and attempts to divide them made the meeting of all involved parties round a single table appear like a safety fuse. The entire region will explode once this fuse fails.
Nonetheless, all stakes are in the wisdom of GCC leaders, as well as returning to the straight path and abandoning losing stakes by taking decisions which secure the safety fuse despite all the tarnishing and aggravating campaigns against countries in the region.
The persistence to hold the summit as usual is a positive development. It becomes more vital when it is held in the Kingdom – the spine of the Gulf; hence, the need to review certain calculations.
It is time to abandon the path walked on throughout the past 17 months – the age of the Gulf crisis. It is time to close the dark chapter by adhering to principles that the GCC stands for. The GCC unity represents the dream of the people, before its leaders.
Therefore, hopes are pinned on this summit to have a positive outcome for everyone to return to the same house and then close all the windows to adventurous or losing stakes.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times