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Ahmad Al-Sarraf
There is no disagreement, even among the most strictest Brotherhood members, that the World Muslim Brotherhood organization, led by its supreme leader Ma’amoun Al-Hudaibi launched a fierce campaign in 1990, using the term ‘Obedience’ involving all its followers against the presence of the United States of America and its allies in the liberation of Kuwait!
Al-Hudaibi then got the approval and support of all factions and organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood groups, wherever they existed, particularly in Arab states, including Kuwait, to reject Western interference in the liberation of Kuwait. He said this task should be in the hands of the Islamic forces.Thus, the dispute has never been about whether the World Muslim Brotherhood organization, particularly the Kuwait branch, may have turned its back on its cause, and showed ingratitude to the State of Kuwait which had been providing support, the dispute was always about who spoke and who remained silent, who agreed and who disagreed, who was present and who was absent. The betrayal was evident and became crystal clear when some members of the Kuwait branch denounced what they had done during Kuwait’s occupation immediately after the country’s liberation.If they had not betrayed, why then, they claimed repeatedly that they had nothing to do with the parent body and ironically changed the names of their currents?After all this overwhelming evidence, it is strange that some of the remnants of the Brotherhood in Kuwait insist on their support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Libya, and support their current positions which they held earlier. The leaders are the same who worked against the interests of Kuwait during the fierce liberation from the vicious occupation.During all his interviews, the late Sheikh Saud Al-Sabah (Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US during the Iraqi invasion of the country) absolved members of the Kuwait Brotherhood of ‘treason’, because he wanted to protect the unity of the country and the society. In fact what Sheikh Saud said was indeed laughable.The ‘Authority’, according to the testimony of Sheikh Saud, or influential members, was the reason behind what the Muslim Brotherhood had achieved, in terms of organization and money, companies and networks, and an expansion of its branches.It is the government that protected them and protects them. The government is the reason for their participation in the Friendship Delegation that paid a visit to Washington to ask the US Assistant Secretary of State to top the US military intervention to liberate Kuwait.The names of the popular delegation have been documented. None of them have denied what Sheikh Saud has said, about the misconduct of one member of the Muslim Brotherhood group, who took a different view from the rest of the delegation members concerning the leadership of Kuwait.We reiterate writing in this regard is neither hatred nor love in retaliation. There is no personal enmity between us and any of them but to allow them to remain in their positions, is not the weakness of the memory of the citizens, or their acceptance again, because their roots run deep down and have reached where they are not supposed to. They are evil in everything they [email protected]By Ahmad Al-Sarraf