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THE crisis that the Islamist groups of both Sunnis and Shiites represent has exceeded the scope of advice and entered the stage of scandal. Their true form have been exposed, which is of a subversive agent advocating ignorance and intimidation in order to control the capabilities of the countries they govern. Since the early 20th century, these groups have been tools created by Britain to control countries that lacked a military presence when the colonial sun began to set.

In 1928, it established the Muslim Brotherhood Group in Egypt, and gave it the political cover to implement what was required of it. On the other side, the colonialists worked on destroying Iran from the inside, which at that time was considered as an economic and scientific power. The destruction happened through the religious forces that were hostile to Shah Reza Pahlavi because he sought to build a strong and united civil state based on urbanization and science.

In this regard, the memoirs can be regarded as a testimony exposing Britain’s plan to break up Iran. It was written in these memoirs that Reza Shah Pahlavi, after arriving on the island of Mauritius where he was exiled in 1941, was asked by an English officer, “Are you worried?” He answered without hesitation, “No ... I left a university in Iran that will produce scholars and researchers who will resist your colonialism.” The officer then said, “We have encouraged the spread of religious “Hawzas” (seminaries) in all of Iran. We have also supported religious political forces. Therefore, we will remain in control while you will not return to rule your country.”

Based on this principle, the British colonial policy in the Middle East proceeded. It revived contradictions in societies, and launched political movements of a religious nature that were opposed by other political forces that tended to secularism, which was unpalatable in the past centuries to the Arab and Islamic world. The Muslim Brotherhood Group interpreted this policy in the first half of the 20th century in Egypt by cooperating with the British Embassy against the monarchy and carrying out many operations of sabotage and terrorism. They allied themselves with the Zionist movement in Palestine, and supported Nazi Germany during World War II.

In Iran, it worked with the British-backed religious groups that resisted any progress in the country to such an extent that some clerics discouraged people from enrolling in modern universities. In an effort from both sides - the Muslim Brotherhood Group and the Iranian groups — to deny the allegations leveled against them, each of them put forward a semiutopian slogan, the first being “the Islamic Caliphate” and the second “exporting the revolution to establish the Islam internationally”.

For this, each worked to achieve his goal through terrorism and sabotage, or misleading societies by brainwashing young people, as is currently happening in some Arabian Gulf countries. This subversive heritage still controls a good proportion of Arab and Muslim youth, and exploits them to imposing its representatives on some Arab and Gulf parliaments that suffer today from the consequences of these groups.

Therefore, negligence in confronting them will lead to the sabotage of countries, and will weaken its national cohesion and immunity, similar to what those groups did in Libya, Tunisia, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

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By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times