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ONCE again, King Mohammed VI has proven that the Kingdom of Morocco is the pillar of peace in the Arab countries of North Africa from where progressive initiatives are launched to the rest of the countries in that region.

Therefore, the support provided by the Moroccan King to the Tunisian President Qais Saied in his rescue measures for Tunisia, and the dispatch of the Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita with a verbal message of affirmation of Rabat’s solidarity with Tunisia in all measures, will help prevent the burying of democracy in it, and increase Moroccan fortification of Tunisia.

The aid provided by Rabat to Tunis in the past few weeks, based on the order of King Mohammed VI, to boost its fight against the COVID-19 crisis was part of the many initiatives undertaken by the kingdom during the past two decades throughout Africa for providing assistance to these countries to overcome great difficulties.

The Moroccan monarch always seeks to provide solutions to many of the problems facing the continent. His determination to curb extremism and inform people about the proper way to practice Islam without violence is evident.

One of the initiatives of the monarch was to invite imams from various African countries to attend rehabilitation courses. He also launched initiatives to support the regional political movement to prevent the expansion of extremists in various parts of the continent. There are many such initiatives that are considered to be in the path of a thousand miles that this active king started for the comprehensive development process of his country and the strengthening of its natural historical role.

This blessed king realized, since the beginning of the so-called “Arab Spring”, that protecting Tunisia - the soft flank - from the hegemony of the Muslim Brotherhood Group means protection for all the countries of North Africa.

His right stance had a positive effect on the international community, especially when this terror group opened Tunisia’s borders with Libya to smuggle terrorist elements and weapons into the wounded country, and caused unrest in the countries of the region.

This great royal Moroccan position in support of Tunisia’s stability is valued by its people, who are currently struggling to repair what the terrorist group had destroyed over the past decade, renew the process of democratic work, and fill the gaps so that the Muslim Brotherhood Group does not come back to rob people’s opinion like it did in several Arab countries including Egypt after January 25, 2011. Egypt is the largest Arab country where this group ruled for a year with an iron fist, undermining institutions and turning them into farms for members of the Muslim Brotherhood Group’s guidance office.

Everyone realizes that the eye of the “Ennahda” group was not only on Tunisia, but on the Kingdom of Morocco as well. This is because of this country’s strategic importance in North Africa. Succeeding in fracturing it by supporting separatist movements would lead to the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood Group’s subversive project.

Therefore, the Moroccan fortification of Tunisia with great support is in fact also a fortification of the Kingdom of Morocco. King Mohammed VI was on time in providing everything necessary to stabilize and protect Tunisia.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times