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I do not see a reason for the daring, or let’s say insolence of some to insist on the legality of their theoretical or scientific certificates issued by the American University shops in Athens, and other Slovak, Czech, Egyptian, Indian and Filipino certificates and even those issued by ‘London, universities’. The certificates that are not accredited by the concerned authorities are not worth the price of ink on their papers.

In this regard, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education Dr Subaih Al-Makhazim said that the ministry did not equal any of certificates of graduates of the American University in Athens voluntarily, pointing out that some graduates resorted to justice in anticipation of the equation, but the ministry won most of the cases filed by the students (88 final verdicts).

He added the Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the ministry in seven lawsuits and demanded non-equivalency, and they are now in the Cassation Court, pointing out that the ministry lost six other cases in the Court of Appeals, which are now with the Court of Cassation after the ministry implemented the ruling.

He explained that in the event of a ruling on the invalidity of the equivalencies, the Ministry will withdraw it and the consequent effects in accordance with the law. The Undersecretary confirmed his concern for the validity of all the equivalencies issued by the ministry, whether new or old, under the direct follow up of the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education.

All this shows that the warriors (holders) of false and non-accredited certificates have won half the battle when the ministry implemented the court verdicts and this is counted for the Minister of Higher Education, Hamid Al-Azmi, and before him, of course, the honest minister. The battle is ongoing and the Prime Minister must be convinced to disclose the names of all those who hold fake certificates and recover State money.

The story of the fake certificates dates back to many years, and if the issue was addressed in a timely manner, the number of counterfeiters would have not been as big as they are now. Laxity in the solution was understood as lack of seriousness, and this pushed even the clerics and renowned advocates to walk the same road to gain people’s respect for them, and to increase their income.

This laxity in fake certificates is quite similar to laxity in solving the Bedoun problem. If there was a desire or will to solve their cause half a century ago, their numbers would have not been as they are now, and our international reputation would not have been affected by all this negligence and the injustice would  not have fallen on all this number of innocent people.

The credit goes to former honorable MP Faisal Al-Shaye because he was the first to raise the issue of forged diplomas in an official manner through the questions he had addressed over the years to the concerned ministers, starting in 2006. The result was a late response. The holders of unrecognized certificates – some of them government employees and teachers reached 5,768 between 1992 and 2014 – employed in the ministry of education, applied education, Municipality, ministry of health and of course in the religious authorities even in the supreme councils and the Audit Bureau although the latter denied that the number of counterfeiters doubled several times from 2014 until today, and is growing.

The Al-Qabas daily has received the following message from Mrs Laila Al-Ghanim, supervisor of Ruqaya Al-Qatami for Charity that says: With reference to the two articles of Ahmad Al-Sarraf and Badr Al-Bahr related to the administration of some charities and published in Al-Qabas, we would like to emphasize that we do not charge ourselves any deductions from what we allocate to the charity society from our money or what is donated to it to perform its honorable role in providing treatment for cancer patients.

We hope that the administrations of all charities would follow the example of the Kuwait Human Friendship Society and the Al-Yousefi and Ma’arafi charities, and announce transparently that they do not benefit financially from the donations they collect.

email: habibi.enta1@gmail .com

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf