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Someone says that he noticed, and he has recently noticed a lot of the behavior of some columnists in Al-Qabas that only deserves a respected writer to write in a respectable newspaper. One of them accused me of my constant criticism of charity work, its associations and committees, and I say here this is an unacceptable slander.

I never slandered any charity work for a simple reason. I am a volunteer worker in the field of charity work; therefore no sane person believes I attack him.

As for criticizing what is going on in terms of wrongdoing, this is the right of everyone, and I have never doubted anyone and they have the right to resort to the judiciary if I did that.

This person described the Kuwait Humanitarian Friendship Society as if it were my own association, and this is also incorrect because I am just another human being working with a group of others and receive no payment. It is not my association or my father’s property or my political party. I did not use it for financial and political gains, as he and his fellow Brotherhood comrades did for more than half a century.

As for his description of The Kuwait Humanitarian Friendship Society it is modest in performance, this is not a defect in it. Not much time has passed since its founding, and humility is one of the characteristics of the honorable people. It suffices for us to be proud that we, as founders of the Society, are among the biggest donors and not among the biggest beneficiaries as they do with their octopus associations.

I wish you and your group would learn something from the transparency and clarity of this Society which you describe as modest and to benefit from its honesty, and be enlightened by the generosity of its founders.

We have never issued a fatwa permitting the use of our Society’s funds to support our candidates in the elections, and neither we nor our society are involved in political activity unlike your associations.

We are also proud of being the only Society that publishes on its website its annual budget and all the donations it receives. Have any of the dozens of associations working under the umbrella of your political party ever done anything of this for sixty years?

When I write an invitation to my readers to donate to the Friendship Society, this is a purely charitable act and not personal propaganda .

The reader is free to make the decision that suits him, and what I have done is not inevitably inconsistent with the ethics of the profession, and I do not know who taught you ethics to be a spokesman and a defender (of someone or something).

email: [email protected]

From time to time, some complain that they feel uncomfortable if they do not get poked in the side.

By Ahmad Alsarraf