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Ahmad Al-Sarraf
ABDULLAH Al-Nafisi holds many titles, including the political analyst, former MP, former academic and university professor, outstanding writer, debater and media figure.He also has a large following that hold his theories and thoughts in high esteem. He is somehow liken to the fortune tellers who are usually interviewed on television to predict the unforeseen or forthcoming events for the New Year. He predicts the future of each leader in the region, and of course, some of his predictions have come to pass while others have not.In one of his lectures we discussed in our article published on Feb 14, 2009, Al-Nafisi had encouraged terrorist attacks similar to acts of terrorism that were perpetrated at that point in time by saying, “It only requires a brave bioterrorist to penetrate America via the Mexican tunnels with 4 pounds of Anthrax to kill at least 330,000 US citizens within one hour if he chooses the right place to attack. It’s a terrifying idea, isn’t it ... unrivaled to the Sept 11 attack. (The audience laughs). It doesn’t even need airplanes, appointments or complex plans to pull off. One brave man carrying 4 pounds of Anthrax is all it takes to attack the White House and its surroundings”.In a recent TV interview, Al-Nafisi said: The United States of America is bothered by the social and political modesty that distinguishes the Gulf countries, and which reflects the position of religion and the condition of women in their societies. Thus, Americans are keen on turning this position upside down in order to guarantee their stay in the region for a very long period.We also observe that America has been replacing its male ambassadors to the Gulf countries with female with the aim of activating the role of women in the region. They look ahead to the conservative and religious Gulf woman coming out of her home to the street, as commonly seen in many cosmopolitan cities. They are targeting the mentality and identity of our citizens.I remember a story told by late Ahmed Al-Rabe’e regarding his visits to Adan in Yemen before and after the country’s independence. Once, he had complained about the filthy state of the fish market, lack of fish variety and high prices, and an elderly fisherman replied “Bring back the occupation and you will get a clean market and a variety fish for low prices”.E-mail: [email protected]By Ahmed Al-Sarraf