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THE Kingdom of Morocco has always maintained an unchanging stance about the Palestinian case for the last 60 years. It is well aware of the negative repercussions of closing all windows of dialogue on the issue, especially when the issue has to be handled through a unified Arab decision.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Morocco took upon itself the difficult task of not only being in a position of chairing the Jerusalem Committee, but also opening communication channels among the concerned parties.

Based on this fact, the Palestinians, in their various official frameworks, were not far from the Moroccan-Israeli dialogue either during the era of the late King Hassan II or during the reign of King Mohammed VI who continued to take up radical stances in support of the Palestinian cause, even if the matter led to some collateral losses.

This is due to the fact that Morocco considers the principle of rights in the Palestinian case  tantamount to that of the Moroccan Sahara issue. Therefore, in the calculations of the Moroccan monarch, the scales are equal in this regard.

It was on this basis that King Mohammed VI announced his blunt and clear position, via a phone call with the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas immediately after ending a phone conversation with the US President Donald Trump last Thursday, confirming adherence to the historical position on the matter.

Nonetheless, King Mohammed VI has proven once again that he is exercising the natural role for peace for achieving a faithful realization of Palestinian national rights, and not turning the matter into a cycle of violence and escalation that does not serve either the Arabs or the Palestinians, but rather increases the complications of the situation and raises the level of violence. This approach was serving the extremists who benefit from the continuation of the Palestinian suffering, and invest it for implementing malicious plans similar to what Iran is seeking, as is the case with the “Hamas” in Gaza, “Hezbollah” in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen, as well as the sectarianism militias in both Syria and Iraq.

There is no doubt that these plans diverted Arab and international focus from solving the issue on the basis of the position announced by King Mohammed VI in his telephone conversation with Mahmoud Abbas, which is a two-state solution without forfeiting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

After the normalization of ties with Israel by the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, all of which had emphasized their adherence to Palestinian rights, it is imperative to raise the question about the continued rejection of some Arab countries towards this normalization, wondering what prevents Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the rest of the Arab capitals from establishing relations with Tel Aviv.

Frankly, Israel possesses major global alliances, and the international community is biased towards it in all aspects. Also, the Arabs, even if they made a decision to go to war, would not have the ability to do so due to the absence of the basic ingredients in this regard.

On the other hand, peace serves and upholds Arabs’ sovereign rights and reduces their spending on armaments that did not lead to any results, but on the contrary, increased their underdevelopment.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times